Surgery....Here Comes Somebody

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"So, what are you going to do. I know you went to the church and prayed. I can't count how many times I've found you at the church praying when we were younger. What have you decided. Whatever you decide....I'm going to be right here by your side the whole time."

"I'm going to get the surgery. I feel bad for Rachel, but I want us to have our own happily ever after. We can't do that if I'm stuck here. I've already told Justin. He said he'll be here in ten to prep me. He's giving me time to talk to everyone before I go under. I just hope I make it back out after all the anesthesia they'll have to give me."

"You'll be fine. I'll be right there when you wake up."

            My phones ringing....I grab it and answer real quick before she hangs up.

"Hey Izzy have you made a decision?"

"Yeah I'm going to go through with the surgery, but I'm really nervous. You know how I got before my last surgery. Well imagine that times ten."

"Hey, the procedure will be fine. You'll definitely survive it. I don't know about afterwards if you know what I mean."

In between laughs I manage to say, "Yeah, I do. Well here comes Justin to prep me. I'll see you six feet away in a few hours."

"Alright, Isabelle. Are you ready to get started."

"Not really, but like Meagan said, it's not the surgery I need to worry about. It's after the surgery. Rachel's not going to be too happy with me."

            We get done with the prep. As he's wheeling me to OR all I hear is the SQUEAK SQUEAK of the tires on my bed. This is really making me go crazy. Andrew came as far as he could, but now instead of the voice of my husband being supportive all I hear are tires squeaking and nurses/doctors pacing back and forth and back and forth. I don't know if I'll make it out of this surgery, but I sure hope I do. My last memories can't be the sound of tires squeaking and nurses/doctors pacing. That's not a good way to end my 16 birthdays and 17 years of living. Oh well....let's hope for the best....

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2022 ⏰

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