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Chapter 11: Endgame

The young turtle paces back and forward, panicking on what to do now as for the first time since Dimension X; he was all alone and is the family's last hope to save them. 

He can't call April or Casey on the T-Phones since Misaki destroyed them; and even if he does get them to help, Mikey fears he'll be too late to save the others.

The young turtle was close to having a panic attack as he then cries out in frustration and falls backwards on the couch, whimpering and curling up to a ball like position as he shudders out:

"W-What must I do?! I don't know if I can defeat Misaki and save the others; I mean sure, I did well being stuck at Dimension X all by myself, but to fight the widow of the Shredder? If the others can't beat her, how can I?!"

Mikey felt that all was lost at that point as he couldn't bear to imagine his family getting eaten by the Black Widow herself. As he wept, he suddenly noticed a small box containing some of his jokes and pranks inside before seeing another that has something written on it as Mikey reads aloud: "Family treasures by Michelangelo"

Mikey opens the box and sees that it was filled with the things that Mikey made for the family in safe keeping like a treasure chest.

He picks up a small hand-made comic that has Leo as a space hero based on his favourite TV show; Mikey was surprised that Leo kept this comic that he made all those years ago as the eldest treasured the gift Mikey made for him always along with the recent drawing of Leo with Captain Ryan that Mikey made.

He then sees a lava lamp that has shiny cuttings of science-looking flakes inside the lamp. This was what Michelangelo and Donatello made as kids before Mikey gave it to Donnie to keep. He almost forgot about it but the fact that Donnie kept it in the special box means that Donnie cherished it always.

Just then he notices a plush T-Rex that Mikey once gave to Raphael, again when they were tots; the young turtle give this to Raphael when he once had a nightmare and refused to say anything about it but Mikey knew, somehow he felt that Raphael had a nightmare and was scared. 

So he gave Raphael his plush T-Rex as a gift to help him sleep better since the T-Rex was the bravest and strongest dinosaur Mikey imagined just like Raphael.

Mikey thought Raphael misplaced it when they were older, but to see it in that special box containing the precious memories that the family kept of Mikey's meant so much to Raphael that he didn't want to lose it.

And finally, he picks up a drawing of himself and Splinter since this was the very first drawing he ever did and it was good considering how Mikey was just a tot and give it to Splinter one night during the anniversary of Tang Shen's passing.

Seeing the picture that Mikey drew with the words "Dada and me" made the humanoid rat's heart and soul brighten that he realises how much he was blessed to have a second chance on life with four wonderful sons.

The young turtle warmly smiles and sniffs as he tries his hardest not to cry again when he looks back at the box containing his things and then eyes the chest full of the precious memories.

 Suddenly an epiphany washes over the young turtle as he suddenly begins to understand what his role and true strength is...

"Heart..." Mikey gasped. "That's it...I'm the heart of the family! Of course, Leo's the leader, Raph's the brawl, Donnie's the brain, Splinter's the teacher and I'm....I'm the heart of the team"

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