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Chapter 12: Rescuing

The young turtle quietly frees his family from the web cocoons with the katana as he looks down, ashamed of what he did to stop Misaki, especially how he almost lost himself to his rage back there.

Sure, he wanted to stop Misaki but to take a life, even from a monster like Misaki Towa, it just didn't feel right for Mikey as he feels like a hypocrite.

The family soon gathered around Mikey, knowing how he's feeling at the moment before Leo puts a comforting hand on his shoulder:

"It's alright, Mikey; you did what you had to do"

"It's guys didn't want me to kill Misaki back there" Mikey sadly pointed out.

"That was because she was trying to turn you into a killer like the Shredder but you stopped her because she was going to kill us and you did what you had to do to protect us from further harm" Leonardo gently points out.

"You made a tough call but you did what was needed, my son" Splinter assured his son that he had good intentions on what he did to Misaki. "You didn't lose yourself to rage and hatred"

"Yeah man, she was a monster and you gave her so many warnings that she was too crazy to take them to heart and almost killed us" Donnie comforted his baby brother.

"It was her or us, Mikey; you did what we would've done in that situation too" Raphael also comforted Mikey.

"It just doesn't feel right to take a life like that, no matter how evil the person is...I guess I now know what Leo felt like when he killed the Shredder to save us" Mikey sighed as he felt unsure of himself now that he took a life, a villain's life but a life nonetheless.

"Don't worry Mikey, we'll help you through this as you guys did with me; I promise" Leo hugged Mikey.

"Thanks," Mikey softly thanked.

Soon he sadly walks over to the giant hole where Ice Cream Kitty was dropped to her demise. The rest of the family followed and each of them apologized sincerely for his loss, before Raphael said:

"I'm so sorry about Kitty, Mikey; she was such a loving pet to you, and I'm sure she's at peace now"

"It's just not fair...she didn't deserve to die" Mikey sobbed just as Splinter held his grieving son close.

"I'm so very sorry, my son; she was a very beautiful loving pet that had ever lived in our home" Splinter gave Mikey his condolences.

"I can still hear her meowing sweetly to me," Mikey sobbed.


"See? Even from heaven, she's meowing to me" Mikey cried.


"Mikey! Wait!" Leonardo gasped.

"Listen" Donnie added as the group leans down in the giant hole before they heard another meow that made Mikey gasped out loudly:

"It's Ice Cream Kitty! She's still alive!"

Mikey leaned further down and cried out: "Kitty?! Is that you?!"

Soon he heard Ice Cream Kitty meowing back in response as Mikey's heart lightens again in joy that his beloved pet was still alive but then begins to panic that she's stuck down the dark hole.

"Hold on, Kitty! I'm gonna save you!!" Mikey panicked.

"Mikey, wait! You're hurt and we need to think of a plan" Donatello halted Mikey from doing anything rash.

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