Chapter 14

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Izuku's  P.o.v 

When my mind was fully awake I knew today was the first day of school.  Turning in Hito's hold I look at the alarm clock on the table reading it was 6:30 and I really didn't want to get up, so I turned back around, stuffing my face into his chest.  But, doing so I woke up Hito. "Go back to sleep Izu it's too early" he grumbled, tightening his hold on me.  "I know but it's the first day and I don't really want to go. New people are generally rude and I don't have the brain capacity to deal with it today."  I said muffled back from his chest and he chuckled lightly agreeing with me.  After that I closed my eyes and just listened to Hito's heart beat until I fell back to sleep.  

I fully woke up about 30 minutes later and woke Hito up so we could get ready for the hell that adults like to refer to as school.  I personally just don't think they really remember what it was like because then they would agree that it is hell even Shota would agree.

After getting dressed, brushing our teeth, and eating we headed out.  Sho and Zashi are already gone but luckily they only live like a 10 minute walk from UA so no train and cramped space yay.   Getting there we knew where to go already so me and Hito walked hand and hand up to the door and paused, I looked over to him "You ready Hito?"    "I should be asking you that, just don't be too mean." He said back and he was right but I  wasn't really meaning to be mean and he knows that too just most things I say are sarcastic so it just comes out mean.  Nodding he opened the door for us and already no surprise to anyone Katsuki was getting yelled at for having his feet on the desk.  Shaking my head I walked to my seat behind Kat and interrupted Iida is what I believe he said his name was, with Hito sitting behind me already snickering 

"Kat feet of the desk you know this already don't act like a defiant child.  And Iida your name was stop shouting it's too early for any of this." I said with a little glare pointed at both but mostly so Katsuki knew I was serious. 

"Tch whatever Izuku." Katsuki said sitting properly at his desk this time. 

Next Iida spoke up while bowing. He was getting on my nerves and so was Hito because he was still laughing.  "My apologies.  I wasn't intending to be so loud, allow me to introduce myself.  I am Iida Tenya from Somei private academy and you are?"  I didn't respond because one I was tired already and he was yelling, and two they ruined my day already and class hasn't even started.  So, I instead of responding I put my head in my arms, feeling a headache coming on.  

Now I see why Hito asked me not to be mean because now I realize that I am being mean but I just don't care really.  Iida, noticing I wasn't going to answer, walked to the door to introduce himself to the newer students walking in.  Shota was at the door already being the caterpillar man he is, just laying there in that obnoxious yellow sleeping bag on the floor.  When we made eye contact and he tilted his head as a way of asking if I was ok and I just shook my hand in a so-so motion.  He nodded and Hito I think decided it was time everyone sat down so his dad didn't expel everyone besides us "Excuse me" he said grabbing everyone's attention "I really have to suggest that everyone sit down and shut up the teacher has been at the door for 3 minutes already, do you wanna make him angrier?" He finished in a bored tone and when everyone noticed Sho then immediately sat down and no one said a word.  Getting off the floor Sho finally spoke and I kept my head down "Wow it only took you 4 whole minutes for everyone else to notice and shut up." His voice was dripping with sarcasm, it was pretty funny.  He reached into his sleeping bag and pulled out a uniform and spoke once more "I'm your homeroom teacher Aizawa Shota everyone grab a uniform, change, and meet out on the field."  People were being slow and me and Hito were the first out of the classroom. He put his arm around me as we walked "Izu I thought we talked about being mean on the first day?"  He said softly to me and kissed my forehead knowing I wasn't in the best mood.  "If they hadn't been so loud and didn't give me a headache then I would have been nice, but seeing as we're here they don't get nice Izuku.  Sorry love."  I responded to him, and him laughing as we entered the locker room.  We were done changing by the time the rest of the boys got there besides Katsuki he got here a minute or two ago.  

When we got to the field Sho was the only one there, not really surprising.  "Izuku what have they done to deserve the silent treatment already?"  He asked me and I told him what happened, him nodding in understanding and not questioning me further.  I just hugged Hito and put my face in his chest, him rubbing circles on my back knowing that it calms me.  We stayed like that until everyone else was on the field, I pulled back when Sho started speaking telling us that we are doing a quirk test, and then someone said something stupid "This is gonna be fun!" Said a girl with pink skin, Sho also didn't like what she said by the little twinkle of 'Im gonna fuck over everyone now that someone decided to be an idot' in his eyes and I immediately after he said what I was thinking he was gonna say didn't want to be here anymore because everyone started shouting making my headache worse.  "Shut up just do the fucking test God!"  I finally snapped, it wasn't my best moment but it happened.  Everyone looked at me in shock except Hito and Sho.  They saw this coming, no one said anything after that and the test started.

I wasn't trying literally at all, so when it got to the ball throw Sho decided to try and threaten me into actually trying.  "Midoriya, if you don't give it your all on this I will expel you."  He said in a completely serious tone and if he knew how mad I actually was he would not have said anything to me.  But, I wasn't in a good mood so I tested him and barely tossed the ball looking him dead in the eye daring him to do something.  He wasn't about to go back on his word in front of the class so he said I was expelled, I held up my hand in a one minute gesture and pulled out my phone and texted Nezu what was happening.  A minute after I put my phone away there were two pings from Sho's phone, the first one was Nezu threatening him with blackmail I knew he had, the second was from Zashi I told him too and he also threatened his husband by the look on his face after he read them.  While all this was happening the rest of the students were looking at me and Hito as if we were nuts and that's fair I am basically challenging the teacher that they are scared of and Hito is trying his hardest not to laugh.

After Sho finished his texts he looked back at everyone including me and told us that school was over for the day and he will see us all tomorrow.  I just glared at him before grabbing Hito's hand, he had held out for me, us walking back to the locker room and everyone else was just there shook and staring wide eyed as we walked away.

"Babe you didn't have to scare the man half to death you know he would never actually expel you."  Hito said to me when we were far enough away from everyone else.  "Yeah I know that but I was already in a bad mood and he knew this and still tried me.  It wasn't gonna end well for him."  I slightly growled back but the growl being toward the thought of what Sho tried to pull instead and he nodded understandingly.  "Let's just head home Izu and get you some food and pain meds along with cuddles and sleep.  How does that sound?"  Hito said to me.  "You know me so well. I love you." I said in a very loving voice because I wasn't mad at Hito, just everyone else alive today.

We had a pretty normal rest of the day just chilling and sleeping.  Me giving Sho the occasional glare and him trying to apologize and me not listening.  

Getting into bed that night I cuddled up to Hito and kissed him deeply, putting my hands into his hair and tugging lightly.  Then I licked his bottom lip and he opened his mouth for me, I just slowly tasted him putting my emotions into the kiss because today was stressful and he was the only reason I made it through it, I was making sure he knew that.  Pulling away I pecked his lips we exchanged I love yous and Goodnights and I fell asleep listening to his heartbeat feeling safe and warm.

HAIIIII!!!  New chapter hope you enjoy.  BAIIIII  PEEPS

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