Chapter 8

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(Soooo I made a mistake in the last chapter Izuku is supposed to be 13 not 12 sorry my bad >-<)

Izuku P.o.v

Sooo, it was the end of the year now and I would be starting at U.A in about 10 months.  And I was just walking home from U.A because Shota kicked me out early claiming me and Nezu were "planning world domination" after he walked in on us two laughing like we do, so now I am not aloud to be with Nezu for more then 30 minutes until I am an actual student but even then I will most likely not be able to hang out with him unless I deal with Shota first.  On my way home this nasty slime person thing decided that he was gonna try to rob my body or something and I just said no thank you and started walking away he didn't like that apparently as he said "Oi kid I am taking your body weather you like it or not" and came charging at me at which point I got annoyed and used my wind quirk and blew him apart, then used my creation quirk and telekinesis to put him in some rubber jars that are airtight.  

After like 5 mins I finished and All Bitch showed up sadly.  "I am he…." He yelled after jumping out of the man hole and he looked scared when he saw me.  Probably from me knowing about his real form and then never answering him.  "Oh hi Yagi how's it going?"  I said straight faced with a bored tone just to scare him more and it worked.  "O..ohh h...hi ummm please don't use my real name w..when I am in this form.  Young…"  He stuttered out as I was just trying not to laugh directly in his face. It was fantastic. "My name is Izuku Midoriya. Nice to formally meet you, I would say it was a pleasure but it isn't since I don't like you."  I sighed and then he asked me if I had seen a slime villain around and then I just tossed him the jar.  "Did you use your quirk?  You know that is illegal right?" After he said this I just gave him a look that basically said 'try me bitch see who walks away' before turning around and waving over my shoulder saying "See you next time All Bitch." 

I got home like 10 minutes later and said hi to my mom and got some snacks before heading to my room and drawing some blueprints for mei because I had a few ideas and when ever I give her the blueprints nothing gets blown up, after U just did some coding and without asking started to write an entirely new encrypted code for U.A because the one they have now is literal garbage.  Don't get me wrong I love Nezu and his smarts but I can hack into U.A in less then a minute, and yes I know I am a genius but that doesn't mean that there is no one else out there that can't do it.  About 2 hours later I finished and just in time as I heard mom let in Hito and Mei and waited for them to come up.  "Hai guys, how was your day?"  I said with excitement.  Hito answered "It was normal which means boring.  Ever since we started studying with you everything is way too easy so I just have to sit there and pretend to listen, I am just happy it is the last week of school."  He then flopped down next to me on my bed and laid his head in my lap, while I started petting him Mei answered "Yeah I agree with Hito I mean I already knew most things but now I know everything and the teachers wont let me do anything else so I just have to sit there bored."  Then she came and sat on my other side and cuddled into my shoulder and wrapped her arms around me and got comfy.  I just smiled at them and we cuddled and talked until it was dinner time and we all talked and ate together just enjoying each other's company.

After dinner me and Hito walked Mei home first and when we got to his house I just barged in like I own the place and hugged papa Zashi while ignoring Shota as he glares at me for waking him up and Hito was just chuckling ing the background.   "Hi papa Zashi and Grumpy man too.  I have an offer for you, Hito and Dadzawa."  I said into the hug.  "What, offer problem child.  Did you do something again?"  He said in an accusing tone and me being me dramatically flopped into Zashi and put a hand over my heart like he had just said the most offensive thing to me.  He sighed and shook his head while Hito was laughing and Zashi was petting me and laughing too.  "Excuse me sir, I was gonna offer you too a nice quirk but now maybe only Hito can get it as he is not being mean to me."  I stated while I moved over to Hito and latched onto his side.  Sighing again he asked what quirk and I explained Non-Stop to them and he looked really happy and of course I have to ruin that.  "And now only Hito gets it because you wanna be a jerk Grumpy." I said in a sassy tone of voice and he then walked over to me, picked me up by my shirt and said give me to me glaring.  Sighing I said okay and we moved to the couch and I had them sit and told them it was gonna hurt a bit they both said it was fine so I started the process.  They both grunted a bit and tensed trying not to scream or make other noises as the pain started after about 10 minutes I was done and they both looked tired and just slumped down and passed out.  "Are they ok zuku?"  "Yes, papa Zashi the transfer worked it just drained their energy. They should both be up in about 2 hours so I am gonna head out."  I said to him, and hugged him again before leaving and going about my normal night for the rest of the evening.  Before going to my room for the night Hito texted me that he was up and felt amazing and then we got on a video call for the rest of the night and just talked and joked since now neither of us have to sleep.

(Hai I hope you enjoy the new chapter ^-^  And leave a comment pls I would like feedback if you like the story so far.  BAIIII)

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