Chapter 5

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Next Day

I was on my way to school when I see a group of four guys picking on a kid with purple hair and obviously I am not about to sit by and do nothing not when I wanna be a hero.  "Oi, what are you guys doing?"  I said.  "Mind your own business this has nothing to do with you greenie."  Random number two said.  "Wow greenie, that's a new one… notice the amount of sarcasm in my voice right now, now beat it you all probably have school to get to."  They decided to leave lucky so I would not have to embarrass them this early in the morning.  Going up to the purple kid and holding out my hand for him, "what's your name dude?"  "Shinso Hitoshi, thanks for what you did though I'm sure they will be back either later or tomorrow."  Shinso stated in a flat tone.  "Well i'm Midoriya Izuku, nice to meet you Shinso and if you don't mind why were they picking on you?"  He seems hesitant to answer so if I had to guess it has something to do with his quirk…. I thought.  Breathing out a sigh he finally answered "it's because of my quirk."  Knew it, why do people just have to be jerks over things others can't control like their quirk.
"Ima be honest I don't really care what your quirk is as long as you don't do anything bad with it, people make the quirks good or bad not the quirk themselves, at least that's my motto."  He just stared at me for a good three minutes before speaking again.  "You don't even know my quirk and you say things like that"  "Woah no need to get defensive and what is your quirk by the way?"  "Brainwashing." He stated matter of factly.   I just looked at him like he just said the dumbest thing in the world…. WHICH HE DID.  "WHAT!!! You said that like it is the worst thing ever do you know how useful that could be in many different situations for being a hero, for example in a hostage situation you could convince the villian to release everyone or turn themselves in."  And again with the staring wide eyed.  "You dont think its...villainous?"  "No absolutely not why would I, I just told you it the person that makes the quirk not the quirk and I stand by that."  At my words a few tears fell from his eyes and he quickly wiped them away.  Guess no one has ever told him that, stupid humans and their lack of imagination.  "Well I guess we are both way late for school that's a first for me, want me to walk to where you need to be?"  "Don't you have school too?"  "Nope I just go for the attendance part I have technically graduated highschool already, I pretty smart if you haven't picked up on it yet."  He stared again and I just sighed.  "Ok enough with the staring now where too?"  "Oh sorry this way"  

On the way there we just talked and I told him that I was an outsider at my school too so he is not alone in that boat, and if he ever wants me to walk with him again just to text me so we traded numbers.  I made a new friend, yaay.  After dropping Shinso off I just dropped into class until lunch then left to go home and do some work and start on my training early. Maybe even go to a cat cafe that I saw recently and just copy some random quirks and look through them and figure out if any are gonna be useful to me later on.  That had become a part of my routine since I turned six was to just go out and copy and sort through random quirks or combine some so they become better for using.  

About four and a half hours later I finished with my work and training minus the run which I do at night, I was heading to the cafe.  Entering the cafe I see two familiar faces of one Shinso and one Aizawa, obviously I said hi to both and Aizawa was just looking at me suspiciously so I sat with him first to see what was up with him.  "Hi Aizawa, how's it going since yesterday?"  "First how do you know my name, second how do you know I have a husband, and third it's going fine problem child."  I just giggled at the nickname kinda suits me I thought.  "Nice and I know your name because I know how to hack basically anything and hacked into UA to see what was going on. That's also how I know you are married to Present Mic."  He stared at me silently, for a long while we just had a staring contest basically, then he spoke.  "You know that's illegal right and I can arrest you right now right?"  "You would seriously arrest a six year old, old man are you ok?"  More staring is what I got.  "I'm not old.." he muttered but I heard him because of one of my combined quirks and just started laughing.  "That's what you got out of that sentence that I called you old HA."  "First, how did you even hear me? And second, I'm only 21."  "Wow, still on that ok and with my quirk."   "That's illegal, you know that right." He deadpanned.  I just stared at him again, basically daring him to arrest me.  He then sighed done with me already and I just smiled brightly at him, just to rub it in his face a little more.  "So, since you seem done with me for right now ima go say hi to my friend over there and maybe you might follow me again today when I go for my run who knows" I said enthusiastically and pointing in Shinso's direction.  "Yeah….. yeah problem child."  Walking over to Shinso I wave and ask how school was.  He said it went like normal but he had a new bruise on his cheek so his version of a normal day was not a good one.  After that we just talked for about 2 hours until he had to leave saying something about his parents being mad which I normally would have just ignored but, he had this empty look in his eyes when he said it and at that moment I decided to look into his home life soon.

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