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Walking around with a shot of alcohol in his hand, he tried to squeeze himself into the crowds to search for a less crowded place or perhaps, the birthday boy himself.

He's been hanging out in the club for almost an hour already and he still hasn't yet to greet his friend who was the one who hosted the party.

Well, how can he when the moment he stepped into the club, many other celebrities started to surround him, leaving him no place of personal space.

Trying to win him over or other bullshit like that, Minho was sick of these drunk, two faced celebrities that are starting to sweat because of how many people in the club.

According to science, it is called the process of evaporation. 

Minho patted himself in the back for still remembering that term he learned back in science class in middle school.

Maybe he's not a beauty with no brain like other people said that he is after all.

They are just too ignorant and still are not ready for this sexy brain of his to be known. He could memorize the chemistry periodic table, all of it.

But the downside thing is that he only memorized for a few minutes than he would later forget about it.

Minho still considered that as a talent though. Not many people was gifted to memorize everything in a short time along with forgetting it a few moments later.

The loud music booming through the whole club, his ears was starting to get hurt and he's in need of a place where he could be by himself without this clumpy bunch of people.

And he guessed that his desperate call for help was answered by God when he finally spotted the birthday boy aka the famous model, Hwang Hyunjin, his best friend of four years.

"Hyung! You finally made it!", the taller screamed as his voice was drowning in the loud music.

He was about to passed a glass of alcohol to Minho when he noticed that the older guy already have his own drink. "How long have you arrived?"

Minho shrugged and take a sip, "Not long, like.. Almost an hour ago?", he responded so casually like an hour wasn't that long ago.

"And you never bothered to greet me an hour ago..?"

"You know that I am Lee Know right? People was crowding around me the moment I got into the front door and oh, sorry if I have taken your spotlight tonight"

He said as he patted his best friend on the shoulder, teasing him for not being as popular as him.

Hyunjin rolled his eyes and reply, "I shouldn't have invited you here tonight hyung, you're ruining my moment", Of course, he was obviously joking.

He was already used to being known as Lee Know's best friend to the point where it never bothered him anymore.

He was just glad that Minho was receiving all the love and support that he deserves from the public after 14 years of being in the entertainment industry.

Though they were best friend, Hyunjin still know his place as Minho's junior and respect the older regardless.

They kept on chatting together like they were making up for the time that they didn't get to see each other for the past few months because of the heavily busy schedules for the both of them.

It was nice catching up like this, like the time when Hyunjin still haven't debut yet as a model.

They used to hangout all the time despite Minho's packed schedules and it was possible to happen because Hyunjin was practically no one back then so he get to follow the older to his schedules, both pretending that he's a staff.

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