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"Han ah, you seriously need to tell us what's going on.. You've been acting weird ever since Lee Know's movie premiere!"

The idol's manager pleaded as he trailed behind the said idol. "I've been fine Lix, what are you even talking about?", Jisung questioned.

He clearly knows what's the latter was talking about as he too noticed the changes that he has made.

He started to slip into headspace often and his mood has been so down lately, everyone can notice that as it was really obvious.

There was one time when Jisung almost slipped into headspace on the set before Felix quickly managed to drag him out and take him home.

"I think you know what I'm talking about Han Jisung, come on, spill it already.."

"There's nothing to spill Felix, I'm fine, I was just tired from shooting these past few days!"

And before his manager could argue, his phone went off, notifying him about a new message. He silently cheered as he doesn't have to face Felix's nagging for long and checked his phone.


Han Jisung?

Who's this?
How did you get my number?

It's me Lee Know
I asked Hyunjin for your phone number

"Freaking Hwang Hyunjin..", Jisung hissed to himself. The model knew that he and Minho are not in a good term right now so why would he gave out his phone number just like that.

The nation's idol didn't notice how his manager and his assistant were slowly peering out from the back, trying to see the text messages.

+82 XX XXXX YYYY changed to "Lee Know Sunbaenim"

Lee Know Sunbaenim

What can I help you with Sunbaenim?

Let me just get straight to the point
About what happened in the club..

What about it?
I told you not to worry about it Sunbaenim
I can just forget about it
It's not my business in the first place 

No Jisung
Let me explain myself

You don't have to lmao
Why would you want to explain it Sunbaenim?
I know who you are
In fact, everyone know who you are so don't worry about me
I will keep my mouth shut if that's what you want

No god that's not what I meant!
I'm just
It was a mistake okay?
I don't like the girl
100% no feelings

Then why did you kiss her?

I well
We were just kinda in the mood you know
But I promise you that it was nothing

But what about her feelings?

What do you mean?

What if she really likes you Sunbaenim?
Does her feelings not matter to you?
If she knows that the kiss means nothing to you then she would probably be heartbroken..
Was her feelings just a joke to you? Lee Know Sunbaenim?

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