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Jeongin walked towards the grave with a beautiful flower bouquet in his hands.

He bend down to put the bouquet first before paying his respect to the grave. Only God knows how lonely he is feeling right now.

Jisung and Felix are not with him and it is the first time he comes here alone.

Safe to say that he was shivering at the thought of anything that could happen in the cemetery. He is not the biggest fan of ghosts so he would totally freak out if something popped out of nowhere.

He should've came here in the day, when it was still bright outside but he had to sit through his college exam. That's the main reason why he had to stay back in Korea while both his manager and his idol are in America for music video filming.

Jeongin found it unfair how they decided to just leave him here alone instead of waiting for his exam to be over.

That's also the reason why he's here alone since today is Jisung's sister's anniversary, the idol wanted his assistant to visit her grave on his behalf.


The said guy flinched and accidentally stumbled down, holding his chest tight. "What the- You scared me!", he scoffed then proceeds to roll his eyes once he recognized the other guy.

Jeongin thought that he was a ghost, especially since it is nighttime, he got even more scared.

The assistant stood up from the ground with the help of the other guy. Needless to say, he was a little pissed that the guy just popped out of nowhere without making a sound before, giving him a fright.

"Sorry babe, didn't mean to scare you.."

"Whatever, what are you doing here? You said you were busy?"

The model smiled sheepishly and scratched his neck, nervous. "Actually.. I read my schedule wrong.. I was supposed to have a day off today, but I guess I wasted it by hanging around the company"

Jeongin wanted to facepalm himself at how stupid and careless his boyfriend is. He has been an artist for a few years and he still cannot manage to read his schedule right?

"Because of you, I had to be here alone at night, do you know how scared I was when you called my name hyung?", the younger scolded his definitely taller boyfriend.

"Hey, at least I'm here right? I also didn't expect you to come here at night"

"It's the only time I'm free hyung, I have exams in the morning"

The couple stayed there for awhile with Hyunjin's turn to pay his respect then leave the cemetery.

It was still early and since Jeongin doesn't have a driver license nor a car, he had come here by taxi but now that Hyunjin is here, the two went home with Hyunjin driving his car.

It's been awhile since the pair started dating. The first time they announced it to Felix and Jisung, the two said they were already expecting it and congratulate them.

And when it was announced to Minho, the older just pointed out all of Hyunjin's likes and dislikes to Jeongin, saying how the model needs a lot of care which helped a lot.

The younger of the two broke the silence in the car by asking, "It's been a year right?"

A year since all of the mess ended, a year since a new happy beginning had started and a year of their public relationship.

No, not his and Hyunjin's relationship, but Jisung's and Minho's relationship.

Everyone who knows about their relationship knows that the two have been through so much to be together. From the actor having to face rejections a couple of times to them breaking up once.

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