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Jisung flinched when someone suddenly snatched his phone away when he was so into reading something.

"When will you learn not to listen to what others said about you? Why are you so stubborn?", his best friend asked.

The kpop idol had been reading all the comments under the article about him and Eric for the past hour that it started to concern Hyunjin to the max.

He wasn't showing any expression while those negative and absolutely mean comments but deep inside, Hyunjin knows that the idol is battling with his own emotions right now.

"If only you listen to your gut feelings and rejected him, none of this would have happened stupid.."

"But I can't just reject him when-"

The model stopped his best friend from finishing that sentence in a snap, "HE IS YOUR EX FOR FUCK SAKE!", his voice was booming with range in the apartment.

Hyunjin originally had no intention in yelling at his best friend nor scolding him but when Jisung started saying things like that, it got him mad.

He needs to know his own worth instead of putting his feelings aside just to please the others. Hyunjin needs Jisung to know about the world actually works.

He won't survive for long if he kept on being the way he is, too nice for his own good.

The model wondered how Jisung was able to stand strong in the entertainment industry without his parents by his side, all alone.

"Hannie, you need to take care of yourself first before you take care of others.."

Jisung still doesn't respond to him so he thought that the idol is probably in his own thoughts right now so he made no more moves to bring him back to reality.

He stood up from the couch, wanting to prepare some necessary things that Jisung would always need for when he's in headspace. 

They both are free from schedules today, that's why they decided to hangout together at Jisung's apartment.

But off days means that Jisung will spend his time in headspace since he rarely get to be in one because of how busy he is.

And for the past five months, Hyunjin has been his main caregiver since he and Eric broke up. If they didn't, Eric would probably still be the idol's main caregiver but it's not like Hyunjin is complaining though.

He just wanted to fuck up Eric so bad for worsening his best friend's mental health. The model honestly can't see why the idol still wanted to take care of his feelings when he broke him first?

Jisung now refused to talk about his feelings publicly with the fear of someone making fun of it and using it against him.

Before Hyunjin could even reach the other's playroom, he heard Jisung's mumbling something. "The last time I did that... They died.."

The model stopped on his track almost immediately and turned around, facing his best friend slowly. "What?", was the only he could say as he was too shocked to say anything.

Oh no, this is bad, Hyunjin thought to himself before walking back to Jisung and sit besides him. This is the time when the idol could not be left alone by himself.

God knows what he will do to himself if he was left alone with that thought inside his head.

Hyunjin caress the other's hands gently and whisper, "None of that was your fault okay? Stop blaming yourself for it.."

"You only say that to comfort me but thanks Hyunjinie..."

"I didn't okay? It's seriously not anyone's fault, if anything.. It should be the public's fault"

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