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The director widened his eyes in fear and surprised as he saw the person behind him. "Mr. L-Lee-", he managed to stutter out.

But the actor doesn't want to have any of it and pushed the man back until he fall onto the floor. Everyone in the filming set gasped in shock with what the actor did.

If there's someone who dare to go against the director, it would be this senior actor right here, Lee Know.

 "Have you realized what you just did Mr. Director?"

The actor's voice was filled with venom, his eyes were strict and looking down at the man on the floor like a hunter looking down at its prey.

Minho had just witnessed his favorite idol, who everyone already know that he has a crush on, getting beaten and cussed at right on front of him.

Had he not come here earlier, how much was the director planned on beating the poor idol who was just doing his work innocently?

Minho knew that Jisung would have people who despised him more now and that's why he swore to protect the guy at all cost. He was the one who caused this so he needs to fix this mess up.

No one was brave enough to stop the actor from grabbing the director's collar, almost choking him with the tight grip. "How fucking dare you touched him?", he said under his breath, scaring the man in his grip more.

"Mr. Lee- I didn't mean- I just- He messed up-"

Loud gasps were heard everywhere as a punch landed on the man's face. 

Jisung tried to stepped forward to stop the older because he was scared that Minho might get in trouble for this but with one glance from the older was enough to stop him on his track.

"Stay where you are Han Jisung", he advised, the scary tone of his voice still hadn't changed even when talking to Jisung.

He turned to back to the man and punched him again, his eyes only reflect hatred for the man who had hurt his beloved. The director was only given two punches by Minho but his nose was already starting to bleed. 

Minho let go of the injured man, knowing that if he doesn't stop himself earlier, he would probably send this man to the hospital later.

How could someone hurt Jisung mentally AND physically even after Minho had announced to the public about his love for the idol? Do people really take him easily?

Do they really think that just because he was a playboy, he won't be serious about courting Jisung? Then they are definitely wrong.

And the fact that Jisung had been filming and working together with this kind of people on the set for almost a month made Minho's blood boil.

What other things that they have done to the idol behind his back?

If he didn't decide to check up on the idol earlier today, he surely won't know about the mistreatments that Jisung has been getting silently.

"If I see you do some shit like that to him ever again, I'll make sure that you will live the rest of your life on the streets you mother fucker", Minho scoffed, standing back up from the man.

He is really tempted to just beat the crap out of the director but with one look again to Jisung, he couldn't bare to do anything against the younger's favor and stormed off, dragging the idol with him.

Everyone on the set just stare in disbelief as the two walked out of the hall, not giving a damn about the injured man on the floor.

"Hyung", the younger called out to the other, trying to get his grip lessen on his wrist since it was starting to hurt.

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