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tw : child abuse, domestic abuse, slight violence (once, again, everything is kept to a minimal.)


A week passed by. Taehyun tossed and turned around in his bed; his mind was still clouded by the thoughts of a certain long haired boy he'd only seen twice.

If he'd imagined himself being so stuck over a boy a few weeks earlier, he would have laughed. Things seemed to be looking different now.

Doing his assignments on a holiday week was a very Taehyun thing to do— not that Soobin didn't invite him to come along for his sister's birthday party. He just thought staying the week by himself would be fun. Doing nothing and lazing around- maybe a little junk food too. Just netflix and chill.

But the very next day he found himself carrying an unknown boy to the hospital. It shouldn't have been so impactful, at least not the way Taehyun constantly kept thinking about him, no.

In his mind he kept wondering if Beomgyu had eaten breakfast, lunch and dinner or if he slept well. He wondered about the conversations that he and Yeonjun would have— they seemed so close. Even in the ten minutes he's spent in the room with them, Taehyun could say Beomgyu trusted Yeonjun with his life and would immediately drop all his defenses in his presence.

Groaning, he finally got out of his bed, throwing off his blanket from over him accidentally knocking off the notes he'd made while trying to distract himself last night.

In conclusion, Taehyun was a mess.

Thankfully for him, Soobin was finally returning from Ansan. He immediately dialled up the tall boy's number.


"Soobin hyung. Let's meet at the cafe once you reach Seoul." he stated before the other could say anything else.

"Can't a person rest after coming home from a long journey?" he rolled his eyes over the phone.

Taehyun shook his head as if Soobin could see him. "No-uh. You're coming with me to the cafe. Just bring your bags along."

Soobin hummed on the other line, drawing it out to annoy the younger boy. He succeeded.

"I'll help you unpack and whatever you'll buy is on me. Okay? I'm gonna go crazy if I don't get out of here." he pleaded.

"Let me think." Oh, Soobin was really having fun teasing him.

"Hyung~" Taehyun whined cutely and Soobin could imagine the small pout that would have formed on his lips.

Deciding that he had teased enough and the fact that he would have to nap now if he had to meet Taehyun later, he finally gave in. "Strawberry and yoghurt parfait for me."


Finally, the two of them sat by at the back end of the cafe with Soobin's bag beside him on the floor. Taehyun kept shaking his feet, he noticed.

"What is going on Taehyun? Did you burn down your kitchen or did Hobak decide not to recognize you?" he joked while eating a spoonful of the parfait that the younger had bought just like he promised.

Taehyun narrowed his eyes at the older male, giving him a dirty look and threw a ball of tissue at him. "Hobak loves and remembers me just fine unlike Sean. Didn't he almost refuse to let you touch him when you went back for the summer?"

Soobin snarled at Taehyun, throwing the tissue he threw right back on his face. It missed by a few, no, too many centimeters making the silver male to break into a fit of laughter.

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