ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ 1

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p.s. comments are greatly appreciated so as to keep me going and put out more stuff for you guys . happy reading 


"It's perfect enough already." The dark haired boy said breathlessly. He sat on the cold hard floor of the studio, resting his weight supported by his arms. Sweat dripped from his forehead from the intense routine he'd been practising with his partner for hours straight.

But the shorter boy kept going, still not satisfied by the way his body moved to the song. "I keep going a beat late and my arms look awkward during the hook." Walking over to the music system, he played the song all over again from the beginning then returned back to the starting position.

The older male groaned from his place on the floor. It had been hours and even Yeonjun's body was on the verge of giving up. His arms felt like they were about to fall off. Noticing this Beomgyu just waved his hand at him. "You can go early if you want. I might stay till the studio closes."

He opened his mouth to argue but only a silent sigh left in its place. There was no convincing him. Knowing that the younger boy would not listen to him no matter what he tried, he picked himself up from the floor and wiped himself with a towel before throwing a bottle at the other boy; thankful on the inside it reached him because he really couldn't feel his hands.

"You barely take care of yourself and it's the final week before the showcase. You better stay hydrated, young man." Yeonjun scolded him with a small smile on his face. Silently thanking the latter, he paused his movements to chug down the water. The cold sensation pouring down his throat brought a sense of relief back to the boy, raising his energy levels up a bit; he didn't realize his throat was this dry.

"I'll be going home first then. Don't forget to have a proper meal. I've already ordered for you."

Before he could retaliate, Yeonjun already beat him to it. "Paid it too so you have no excuses to not eat it anymore. It'll be there by the time you reach home." He went forward and gave the smaller boy's head a little ruffle in adoration. "Eat up, Gyu. You need to gather up all the energy you can for Saturday."

Embarrassed by the words yet equally grateful, he hid his face behind his bangs before bidding goodbye to the other, resuming practice.


Closing the studio's door behind him, he finally stepped out. The night sky greeted him with a cold breeze of air hitting his face; his long locks swayed slightly along to it. White hazed in front of him with each breath he took as he walked on the pavement back home, silently cursing himself for forgetting his wallet on the bed earlier that day.

His phone vibrated in the pocket of his thick padded jacket. Fishing his phone out of his pocket, he unlocked his phone to look at the screen that lit up with a number he'd memorised all too well. A chill ran up his spine and his fingertips shook in alarm; there were several missed calls from that particular contact.

Taking a deep breath, he cleared all of his notifications, about to turn off his phone when the screen lit up with an incoming phone call with the same number.

He paced faster, taking longer strides and texted Yeonjun about the contact as he moved—

Yeonjun hyung:

Go straight home and nowhere else, okay? Don't answer the call unless you've reached. Turn on your location, I'll try to come there asap.

The wind blew stronger and his eyes began to sting from the chilly cold. Beomgyu's heart raced in his chest; he could almost throw up from the anxiety that had started to form at the bottom of his stomach.

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