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A light knock on the door jerked him up from his train of thoughts. Sitting up straight, he saw the door open slightly with a silver head peeking in.

Holding out a bag of what looked like a bag of freshly baked bread— the smell of croissants reached his nose and Beomgyu's smile only grew.

"I hope you like Americano—" Taehyun passed the drink to the other male as they sat across each other on the rug of the elder's room.

For a change that day, Taehyun thought it would make the other boy feel more comfortable and home— like if they sat in his room for breakfast; even getting up early to go and get breakfast from the bakery that morning. Not that he wasn't a decent cook but he just wanted to bring something different for him.

So with a little help from Yeonjun he bought stuff that he and Beomgyu liked— turns out that the older male was a picky eater.

No wonder Beomgyu only stuck to eating tteokbokki and ignored the grilled shrimps he'd made the other day. Taehyun internally cursed himself for not asking what he didn't eat earlier after learning this new information. "Hey, at least you know now." Yeonjun laughed from the other side of the line.

So when Taehyun went out this time, he made sure to not pick up anything that the other might dislike. And that ended up with Taehyun going to the bakery getting croissants, muffins and garlic bread for breakfast.

Stopping by the cafe seemed like a nice decision when he looked at the way his eyes lit up when Beomgyu spotted the iced americano in his hands.

Taehyun got the plates from the kitchen for them to eat on and made himself comfortable sitting in front of the bed.

"How'd you know I like this?" he asked while sipping on his drink. His mouth in a pout around the straw, Taehyun could literally melt into a puddle.

Placing the plate of croissant and muffins in front of the other he shrugged with a small smile tugging at his lips. "I don't know. Lucky guess?"

Beomgyu's eyes turned into tiny crescents upon smiling at Taehyun's words, his cheeks rising to reveal the dimple that lived there.

The silver haired boy felt his breath hitch for a second— this was probably the first time he'd seen the boy smile so big. The little crinkles around his eyes as they shone with the sunlight pouring into the room spilled a warmth in his insides, a tingly feeling for being the reason behind his smile.

With every passing moment, just simply watching the boy eat with the biggest smile decorating his already pretty face, he felt himself falling more and more for him.

And like an alarm going off in his head, Taehyun realized that this wasn't just a small crush anymore.

With all the days he's spent with Beomgyu in his house, not once did the boy leave his mind, clouding his thoughts. He'd try to seek secret glances at the boy when he wasn't looking.

He noticed the way Beomgyu would look at his food with a pout every time they ate like it was the most interesting thing in the world, taking little bites from it even if it was already bite sized.

He noticed how his wardrobe mostly consisted of oversized tees or hoodies, just enough so that the sleeves almost cover up till the tips of his fingers.

He noticed how Beomgyu's eyelashes were long enough to place a subtle kiss each time he blinked on the soft expanse of his cheek. Taehyun wished he could kiss it too.

Beomgyu's face was left with the afterglow of the joy he felt eating his favorite muffins and coffee. The room was silent except for the loud ringing of their hearts in their ears and faces flushed ever so slightly.

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