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"Beomgyu might be a little scared in the beginning so just be a little patient. He won't run away because he trusts me enough. Don't worry about that."

Thoughts raced into his mind as he brought Beomgyu to his guest room. There wasn't much in there but it was decent with a small bed with a nightstand beside it. A lamp sat atop it giving the room a beautiful golden glow.

No words were exchanged as Beomgyu meekly walked inside with his belongings.

His face was covered with a mask and a fluffy jacket did enough to cover him up without being obvious. Taehyun was the one who walked out with Beomgyu instead of Yeonjun after the elder explained to Beomgyu about the situation.

With a silent nod, he agreed to everything that he said and came with Taehyun.

Out of everything in life that Taehyun had expected, sneaking out a pretty boy he barely knew from the hospital and escaping a bunch of people who wouldn't hesitate to kill them if they could wasn't on the list.

Beomgyu, he looked so small despite being slightly taller than Taehyun himself. But there was something with the way the former fidgeted around with the sleeves of his hoodie and always had his gaze lowered.

"It's a nice place." his voice barely above a whisper but Taehyun heard him; it was just a sentence yet it made a bubble of joy erupt in his chest.

Smiling to himself he said, "I'll bring dinner down in a few hours. If you need anything you can let me know."

The dark haired boy nodded lightly; his hair fell over face making him look like a little puppy.

Damn, Taehyun really needed to be careful or his heart would just fail with the constant fluctuations it had to go through in a single day. His head had already been a total mess just meeting him twice; how was he going to survive with Beomgyu living in his house?

Soobin was right when he said Taehyun was stupid. As things kept happening one after the other, especially after knowing what Beomgyu had gone through, Taehyun didn't have it in him to say no.

He could literally feel soobin rolling his eyes at him when he would gush out all his feelings to the boy.

And he did.

"Told you so~" he sang-song when Taehyun ended up telling him about the rollercoaster of emotions he'd been feeling for the past three days.

He dived face down onto his mattress letting out a frustrated groan when Soobin's teasing didn't seem to cease. "Hyung, I really hate you."

"I love you too, Taehyunie." The said boy could hear giggles from the other line and hung up.

His face dug deeper into the sheets and muffled his screams.

He was down bad and it had only been three days.


Beomgyu spent most of his time inside his room. Not that Taehyun complained, he was actually thankful for it. At least Beomgyu didn't attempt to run away from there; Taehyun was a good host, he concluded.

It was mostly him calling the older boy for food and Beomgyu would come out with pressed footsteps and quietly eat the food. It was a comfortable silence until it wasn't.

At one point Taehyun began wondering if Beomgyu actually felt like a prisoner instead of a guest.

And stupid Taehyun (he began calling himself that too often now) realized that he hadn't made any attempts to break the ice between them. Being caught up with his own storm of emotions and attempts to not scare off the boy, he never asked Beomgyu about anything.

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