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"It's funny isn't it, how tears from the worst experiences always give birth to the most beautiful flowers? My monster of a father forgot mom and I were still humans despite our abilities blinded by his selfishness." He clenched his teeth as he spoke. "I've never seen happiness in my mother's eyes, Taehyun-ah. Do you know how painful that is?"

The said boy could only shake his head lightly, looking down. But he could hear the breath of the older boy getting heavier with every word that left his lips.

"It is always pain that gives us beautiful things," he spat and when he looked at the bunch of flowers in his grasp, his expression lightened; the frown on his face slowly disappeared. "I guess I deserved it after all. I should be thankful I even get to see these flowers; at least it's what is left of my mother. That old man burned down every single thing she owned like she never existed, like she didn't mean anything to him. My flowers are nothing compared to her's."

"When my tears stopped forming gemstones, I never saw my father in him again. He was a monster." Beomgyu's fists clenched and his nails dug deep into his skin. Taehyun looked at him with wide eyes, his hand immediately touching his, taking away the flowers in his grip and running over his knuckles with his thumb.

"I couldn't cry. Pain seared through my body, my chest hurt, my throat hurt like someone was choking me. I needed to cry so badly. But no matter how hard I tried, nothing would come out."

Taehyun was caught distraught at this new information- letting his thoughts run wild and placed himself in the elder's shoes. Just the mere thought of it made his heart clench in sorrow and frustration.

What everyone had taken for granted; something as simple as tears could hold so much more power over making a person feel lighter.

The heavy burden of one's dark thoughts and heavy anxieties caging and piercing pinpricks through one's heart would soften even just by a little bit through their tears.

How cruel the universe had to be to snatch away one's ability to cry and leave them with their baggage of agony.

"You're okay now. He's not here anymore, okay?" Taehyun spoke in a comforting tone, hoping it would be enough to calm the boy down though deep down he knew it wouldn't do much. But something was better than nothing wasn't it?

But his heart seemed to disagree when his arms gently pulled the other's smaller frame closer to his chest, engulfing him in a warm hug.

For a hot second, Taehyun began second guessing his actions when Beomgyu's body suddenly stiffened at the contact but calmed down when he felt the other male relax in his hold.

Taehyun hoped he wouldn't hear his racing heart.

After what seemed like hours, the older boy seemed to have come down from his wildfire of thoughts slowly pulling away from him muttering a shy 'thank you'.

Taking this opportunity, the silver haired male pulled out a feeble wreath from behind him and sat it atop the fluffy locks of the older male's small head covered by a hat. It caught the latter off guard.

"Huh?" his hand reached out over his head to touch the flower wreath that adorned his head.

Although poorly made from Taehyun's minimal skills, he thought Beomgyu pulled it off really well, managing to not make it look like a bird's nest he believed it looked like.

However, much to Taehyun's dismay, the forget-me-nots and delphiniums holding the blue irises together slowly came undone, falling apart and now Beomgyu looked like he had random flowers stuck randomly between the curls of his long hair and his hat stuck on his head to a side.

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