Chapter 3: A Breath of Fresh Air

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Two weeks had gone by, and with each day, your anxiety of being found lifted little by little. The nightmares still haunted you, but you sometimes had a night or two in a row with no dreams at all. A gentle reprieve. You could feel yourself relaxing into a routine here in Lawrence. You'd wake up in the morning and make some breakfast sandwiches and coffee, then you'd carefully haul them across the road to the shop. The boys would welcome you in, each take their sandwich and coffee, then you'd enjoy a fifteen minute breakfast break with them. You still dodged questions about yourself, asking them about their lives instead.

You learned that Travis, the other mechanic on staff, had a wife and three little girls at home. They loved to make him play tea party and doctor. Doctor was always far too dramatic, and he blamed his wife for watching Grey's Anatomy with them. You learned that Will had run away from home when he was seventeen and never looked back. He explained that his parents were drug addicts, and they had never even tried to look for him. His older sister had gotten into the drugs too, and she died of an overdose. After that, he just wanted a better life for himself. Dean, he explained, took him in just like he had with you. Let him stay upstairs and work in the shop until he had saved enough to get his own place. He loved working at the shop, so he stayed in Lawrence.

This morning when you walked in, the boys were back in the garage, as usual, but the phone was ringing. You could tell by the volume of the speaker in the back that they had no chance of hearing it, so you set down the food and coffee and hurried over to the office, lifting the phone to your ear.

"Winchester Auto, how can I help you today?" You asked.

"Oh, you must be new!" An older woman's voice came through the receiver. "Men have always answered when I've called before."

"Yeah, I guess you could say that," You kept your tone chipper, not wanting to get any further questions asked, you changed the subject. "What can I assist you with?"

"Shoot! Sorry, I completely forgot for a moment there!" She laughed. "I'm due for an oil change soon here. Do y'all have any openings this week?"

You looked down at the scheduling book on the desk, laid open on this week. You found today and ran your finger through the lines.

"Yes, Ma'am we do," You said. "I've got a Thursday at 11am, 3pm, and 4pm, or Friday at 1pm."

"I'll take Thursday at 11 please."

"Perfect!" You scooped up a pencil. "Can I get the name, and car you'll be bringing?"

"Rosemary Adler. I'll be bringing my Rolls Royce. The boys should have all my other info."

"Sounds great, Rosemary. I've got you down for Thursday at 11am. We'll see you then!" You jotted her name and car in the margin like the other appointments.

"See you then!" She replied before hanging up.

You set the phone down and went to turn toward the garage, only to see the three boys standing directly behind you. You jumped.

"Christ, Boys!" You scolded. "You scared me half to death!"

"Sorry," Travis and Will said in unison.

"You seemed busy." Dean shrugged. "You know, you're actually pretty good at that."


"It's a compliment, Y/N," He said with a chuckle. "You know, we could use a receptionist around here...if you're up to it that is?"

"You want me to work here?" You asked.

"Yeah, I do. You're here every morning anyways. Why not just come with me to work?"

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