Chapter 11: Shots Fired

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Summary: Last we left off, Y/N was trapped in a hotel room with her abusive ex, Oliver. She thought she was going to die, and that's when Dean finally got word that Oliver's truck had surfaced. He pulled into the hotel parking lot and grabbed his knife and pistol, ready to end this and save his girl from this monster...once and for all.

TW: Violence, Shooting, Death, Stabbing, Language, Oliver is a dick, Possible Miscarriage

A/N: Hey guys! Be prepared for this chapter, it's going to be a doozie! Let me remind you again that anyone who would like to talk, my inbox is always open! I know this story has been pretty graphic when it comes to abuse, and I don't want any victims/survivors out there to feel like they aren't heard. THIS IS THE SECOND TO LAST CHAPTER! CHAPTER 12 WILL BE THE FINAL PART! Buckle up lovelies because HERE WE GO!

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Divider Credit: firefly-graphics (tumblr)

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Dean's POV

My heart was beating a thousand beats a second as I approached the door; anger and fear fighting for dominance of my emotions. Anger told me that Y/N was in there, and Oliver deserved to pay for whatever he had done to her and our child. That same anger guided me as I dug my hunting knife into all four of his tires. Son of a bitch wouldn't be going anywhere unless it was on foot, in the back of a squad car, or in a fucking body bag. Fear, on the other hand, whispered doubts in my ear about what state I'd find her in. Had he found out about the baby and decided to beat her until she miscarried? Had he killed her? I was frozen in place just outside the door, unable to move.

"No!" I heard her voice on the other side of the door, and my chest squeezed. She was still alive! "I love Dean, Oliver!"

"No you don't!" I heard the sound of flesh hitting flesh and flipped my blade in my hand as anger swelled inside me once more, stifling the freezing fear.

"Yes I do!" She screamed back at him. "He treats me better than you ever have! He's a great man! And're just a monster I should have never married. You're the biggest regret of my life, Oliver."

That's my girl, standing up for herself. I tucked my knife into its sheath on my belt and switched my pistol to my right hand as I took a step back from the door. Don't worry, Tiger. I'm coming.

"WHORE!" He bellowed, sending me over the edge once and for all.

I lifted my leg and kicked at the door as hard as I could, just like I had when I had volunteered at the Lawrence fire department last year. The lock cracked and the wood splintered, sending the door flying open in response. I charged through the now empty frame and into the room, my gun at the ready. A quick scan of the main room told me that she had been fighting against him, blood trails and puddles soaking the carpet. Hopefully it was his, I thought as I stalked toward the bathroom. Suddenly, a loud crashing sound rang out from where they were hiding.

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