I'll Keep on Trying . . .

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Miwa sighed as she leaned on her katana.

"I might be useless for real," she said, sighing as she lifted her sword up.

It was a few days after the sister school event with Tokyo. Miwa was still down on herself after getting her @$$ beat by Maki, before getting put to sleep by Toge. . . where she then stayed asleep for the whole battle against Hanami.

Needless to say, these were demoralizing on their own, let alone all at once on one day. Add that to her abyssmal strength level(weakest sorcerer in her school with the exception of Mai and the new first year) and the pressures from her financial situation, and you get someone who is currently reassessing her job choice.

I got complacent in my weakness. Yeah, we fended the curse off this time, but . . . what happens when they fail? When I have to defend myself?

I need to get stronger than this. How to do it though . . . Oh I know!

Miwa brightened up.

I'll get some new techniques from the New Shadow school! I'm sure they're new avenues I haven't looked at or noticed. Yeah, if I learn more techniques, I'm sure my strength will naturally get stronger.

. . .

"What do you mean your not teaching me anything?"

"Exactly that. You're too weak to learn any new techniques," the headmaster said, screwing of the cap of an Apple J.

"They're not enough! I'm falling behind faster than I already was!", Miwa said as she sat down, feeling a new level of despair.

"Hey," the headmaster said, with a look of pity. "That's your fault for being weak."

At this point, something snapped in Miwa.

"Yeah, well if it's my fault for being weak, what do you want me to do, huh? No one teaches me anything, my peers look down on me, and apparently I'm too weak to improve my situation!"

"Well," the headmaster said, now looking sheepish, "I-"

"You're the only one who told me that I didn't require a type of curse technique or power!" Miwa said, jumping up from her seat with tears in her eyes. "But that was a lie, apparently, since I don't even meet the fucking baseline!"

"Well . . ." the headmaster opened his mouth only to get cut off.

"Enough! I'm done with people telling me what I can or can't do without telling me how to pull myself up! I . . ." Miwa choked up a bit, dimly aware of her cursed energy starting to flare up and expand.

"I want to be more than just a liability!"

The headmaster mulled over her words for a bit, slightly uncomfortable. Finally he sighed a bit. "You're right. I shouldn't have patronized you like that, regardless of your strength. However, I still can't teach you everything with your cursed energy density and physical prowess as it stands."

"Headmaster," Miwa said, "Is there at least a library for non-clan curse techniques?"

"Hmm," the headmaster thought for a bit, "Yes, but . . ."


It's Zenin clan territory. You can't really find it without a clan member."

Miwa's frown eased into one of relief. "That's more than enough. Thanks, headmaster."

"Ay, anytime, Miwa. Just, come by once in a while, ok? Gets lonely."

"Will do, Headmaster!"

"Wait, how will you . . .?" the headmaster started, but Miwa was already gone.

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