Though I am Bruised

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Steel Lady Nanase howled as Miwa's blade cut through its shoulder to its hip. Miwa turned the blade and unleashed one final energy slash, cutting Nanase's body in two.

A clone attempted to bash her head in, but it was already failing. Miwa turned around, decapitating it, and got ready to rest when the curse spoke.

"Hear my curse, girl, and hear it well!" Nanase screeched, "Whatever you try to build will crumble down, and the rubble will destroy your foundation, even as rocks fall on your loved ones!"

And then she faded completely, the construction site fading with her.

"An incomplete domain?... But Nanase's been dead for a month, it shouldn't have been that strong even spoke." Kasumi said as she struggled to stay in the conscious realm.

It was then that something caught her eye.

The void of Nanase's face hadn't disappeared. The void around her morphed into something... familiar.

It was the area of a mask where the face was: eyeholes and all. There was even a mouth section.

Miwa combined the two parts. They fit perfectly with each other. It looked like Marabas, she thought. She'd look at it when she got home.

She was so tired though. Rest couldn't hurt...


She woke up in an office. It was pristine, but not blinding. The room was blue, and she was on a therapy bench. She was dimly aware of someone else in the room, but the cursed energy around them felt...uncanny. Like Nanami in overtime, or when she visited Muta.

" I?"

"Your mind, child."

Miwa looked at the therapist. He was thin, but with toned and defined muscles. His hair was blue, with shocks of black streaking through. Miwa wondered why he had hair since he had no head to speak of. He was wearing a suit that was predominantly black with blue streaks. His shirt was black.

"Are you Marabas?"

"Yeah," the newly identified Marabas said as he turned his back to Miwa, showing the demon mask on the back of it.

"Do you like it? I had it commissioned from hell."

"A bit much, don't you think?" Miwa said as she moved to stand up, then sat back down instantly. Everything hurt except her face.

"You'd be surprised by the fashion there."

"Hmmm.... wait, did you say hell? You're like an actual demon?"

"...I'm not going to dignify that question with a response."

"Well, I just thought you were a very intelligent Shikigami that was somehow still lingering in the world after its medium broke! Not a demon! guys shouldn't even be real!"

"If God was here He'd be very offended right now. But-" he said as Miwa opened her mouth, "We aren't here for that. We're here because you succeeded."

"What do you-oh, you mean your mask. I have a few parts of it, yeah. It's just the face section, though."

"More than enough," Marabas cried out in barely contained delight as Miwa yelped, something moving out of her formerly empty pocket.

The mask fragments flew over to Marabas, before stopping where they were at where his face would be. The fragments then turned into a relaxed face, eyes closed and mouth slack. Seconds later, the face sparked as cursed energy flooded through it, becoming animated immediately after.

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