Chapter 8

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Donnie's POV

"Are you sure this is where you saw her run off to?" I yelled to Leo. He rolled his eyes.

"Yes, I'm sure!" He was crawling through the water near the blood stain. Mikey and Raph were farther down.

We had been searching for hours, but to no avail. I was starting to get nervous. She had already been almost-kidnapped by both Purple Dragons and Dogpound and the Foot Clan. Maybe she had been kidnapped again.

I could see that Raph clearly had feelings for her, and if anything happened to her, he would be crushed. I couldn't let Joy break his heart, even if she didn't mean to.

I looked up at the manhole cover just above me. It looked like it was put back into place hastily, and I knew Joy was more careful than that.

My eyes caught something that was trapped in between the cover and the cement. I plucked it out, examining it. Blonde..... hair? No, fur! It must have been Dogpound!

"Guys, come see this!" I called to the others. They gathered around me quickly as I held up the fur sample. "Shredder took her." Mikey scratched his head.

"Uh, dude, last I checked, Shredder doesn't have any fur." Leo face palmed.

"The fur belongs to Dogpound, genius. Who does Dogpound work for?" he quizzed slowly.


"Go ahead, Mikey, we'll wait." Leo sighed, leaning against the wall.

".... The Kraang?" Raph slapped him.

"No, genius, Shredder!" he growled. "Which means he probably took Joy to Shredder's lair!" I glanced at him. That was actually.... smart. I shook off my daze.

"So, what do we do now?" I asked. Mikey flashed me a lopsided grin.

"Okay, this is what we do. We sneak into Shredder's lair, find the nearest vending machine, stock up on snacks, find Shredder and PELT HIM WITH FOOD!!!" he announced, doing a victory dance. Leo and I simultaneously face palmed.

"We're going to pretend we didn't hear that." I said in a monotone voice. Leo and Raph nodded in agreement.

"How about this - We sneak into the security room, Donnie finds out where they are keeping Joy, and we bust her out of there. Good?" Leo asked.

"Good." Raph and I said in unison. Mikey pouted.

"But I like my plan!" he whined. Raph smacked him upside the head and he fell silent.

"Let's move, ninjas!" Leo ordered, and we were gone in a flash.

Shredder's Lair-->

I held back a scream. That would only motivate them. Another surge of electricity coursed through me, and I bit back a shriek.

"Stupid girl! Where are they?!" Shredder screamed at me. I felt the taste of blood fill my mouth, and I spat the mixture of crimson and saliva at him.

"Y-You'll have to k-kill me first." I stuttered weakly, but I still managed to put on a cocky smile. He slapped me hard across the face, blinding me with the agony.

"I intend to, in time, but I first must know the location of the turtles!" he spat. I thought I heard something in the rafters above us, but I must have imagined it.

"Bite me." I managed to snarl. He gritted his teeth before leaving me alone in a huff. As soon as the door slammed closed, my body fell to the floor of my cell.

I almost wanted to let go. I was tired, so tired... but no. My name is Joyce Cadenza Monolo, and I will not give up this fight.

I heard another swish from the ceiling, but I almost didn't have enough strength to look up. Then a strange figure landed in front of me, and ran to my side.

I looked up to see oh-so familiar green eyes, and I gasped. "Raph, what are you doing here?!" I hissed. "Get away from here! He only wants you guys!"

His grip tightened on my shoulders. "There is no way I'm leaving you here." He scooped me up off the floor bridal style, and I remembered him tossing me into the air, trying to get me to spill the beans.

I tightened my grip on his neck. "You'd better not throw me again." I warned. He chuckled, jumping into the rafters once more.

There, I saw Leo, Don and Mikey waiting for us. "You got her." Leo sighed, relieved. "Let's get out of here."

We managed to get out without a hitch, which I was extremely grateful for. They pulled me into Don's lab, so he could treat my wounds.

That night, I laid on the couch. Raph had come in to say goodnight, when he stopped, taking a deep breath.

"Joy... You scared me, you know?" he told me, seriousness clear in his eyes. "Don't do that ever again. Joy, I-I really like you. And I think I might even love you."

Hearing him say those words, I realized just how much I cared for him too. "I love you too, Raph."

The next thing I knew, Raph's mouth was on mine, and I melted into him. We stayed like that for a few seconds, before we had to pull away.

Yeah, the Shredder might come back. Or my dad. Or a dozen other things might go wrong. But at least now, I know that I'll stand a chance.

Goodbye for now,

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