Chapter 1

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Disclaimer- the only character I own is Joy!

Joy's POV

I woke with a stone hard floor at my back, sending chills up my spine. Where was I? I sat up. Bars filled my vision. Iron bars, no less. Well that didn't look good.

Beyond the bars was... nothing. Just darkness, overwhelming me. And though it was black, it burned my eyes. Nothing could be worse than this.

My straight black hair that fell to mid-stomach was matted. And wet with something sticky. I put a hand to my head and drew it back, startled at the crimson color.

At least my appearance couldn't get any worse, and there was no one around to scream in horror or disgust.

My amber eyes were red and swollen, a circle of moisture on my cheek. Why had I been crying? Must have been from the pain.

Just then, dim lights sparked to life, burning my vision. When I adjusted, I saw a flash of... something. It disappeared before I could process what it was. That's when I realized there was a door. I ran to it, but it was locked. Tears prickled my eyes again, but I held them back. No sense in wasting anything, I would cry when I had a reason to.

The zip of color returned for a moment, and I heard a small noise. I turned, only to be welcomed by the darkness as I lost consciousness, a flare of pain in my head.

. . .

My vision grew clearer as I woke. There was a pounding in my skull, and I found myself in the empty dumpster that I had used for the past two years.

I sighed at the familiarity. It was good to be back. I lifted the lid and crawled out. My grey wolf ears picked up the noise of city cars, and my sensitive nose caught the scent of an old friend's place. My stomach growled. It might be a good idea for a visit. I pulled my hair back into a high ponytail and started on my way.

I walked into his shop. "Murikami-San! It's good to see you again!" The blind man smiled.

"Joy-San! What can I get you today?" I seated myself at a stool and asked for my favorite, pizza gyoza! In minutes, I had a plateful, steaming in front of me. I dug in, savouring the flavor.



"Who invented pizza gyoza?"

"A few friends of mine came in here one day asking for pizza, but I couldn't make pizza for them, so I invented pizza gyoza!" He smiled warmly, no idea about my wolf... oddities.

"What are they like?" I asked. "Your friends, I mean."

"Friendly four, particularly the youngest one. And they're all so polite, they've helped me out of a few difficult struggles." He reached for a broom in the far corner.

'Okay, so, they must help him out financially. A noodle shop must not pay very well.' I thought. "We'll that's nice of them." He nodded thoughtfully.

"You know, why don't you stay for a little longer, I could use the help." I agreed quickly. It wasn't like I had anything better to do.

Later that night, Murikami and I were closing up. Finished with the chores, he made a pot of tea to relax with. We just sort of sat there, talking about nothing in particular, until there was a sound coming from outside the door. Murikami quickly grabbed my wrist and pulled me into the back room.

"Watch from the doorway. Whatever you do, do not let them know you are there." And with that he opened up his door to four giant freaking turtles! They sat down as Murikami prepared plates of pizza gyoza.

He went into the back room once smiling and rubbing my wolf ears. I sat there, shocked.

"You knew?" I asked.

"Of course. You are more beautiful than you know." He placed a hand on my shoulder kindly, and left with ingredients in his arms.

"Mr. Murkami-San, you're the best!" cried a turtle in an orange bandanna happily as Murikami presented their plates.

"Thank you, Michelangelo-San!" He beamed. "Now, my friends, I would like to introduce you to someone." I shrank back, and I could see the turtles tense. "Come out, child!" I took a step out of the shadows.

I'm pretty sure that step changed my life.

Leo's POV

We walked into Murikami's noodle shop, and I immediately felt relaxed. Mr. Murikami has that affect on people. My brothers and I sat. We didn't even have to order, Murikami just smiled.

"Pizza gyoza, yes?"

"Yes!" He smiled and stumbled into the back room for ingredients. After a while, I stood.

"Shouldn't he be back by now?" As if on cue, Mr. Murikami returned with ingredients dominating his hands. I sat back down slowly, still not ready to believe everything was normal. Murikami quickly whipped up four plates of pizza gyoza.

"Mr. Murikami-San, you're the best!" Mikey exclaimed. Murikami chuckled.

"Thank you, Michelangelo-San!" he laughed. "Now, my friends, I would like to introduce you to someone." I tensed. No other human except April and Casey knew about us. "Come out child!" Murikami called to the back room. That's when a girl stepped out of the shadowed doorway.

Her straight black hair had been pulled up into a high ponytail, and her amber-gold eyes claimed everything they landed on. Which mostly consisted of her black converse and the wooden floor.

She wore torn black skinny jeans and a silvery tank top that looked comfortable, but showed off her slim figure well. Her pale cheeks were dotted with faded freckles.

You could clearly see that she was nervous, because her hands wouldn't stop fidgeting, they would constantly play with her hair, silver bracelet, pearl pendant on her necklace, or her particularly long finger nails.

"You're turtles." she whispered, finally looking up from her shoes. "Giant turtles."

Raph huffed, crossing his arms.

"Yeah, and you're a girl." He sized her up, taking in her ears and dark grey tail. "Mostly." Her ears went back, and she growled. Like an animal, wolfish growl.

She attacked Raph, lunging for his throat. The only thing that kept her from tearing out his voice box was his skill.

I threw her off him and she slammed into the wall and crumpled, unconscious.

"Oh dear," Mr. Murikami mumbled. "My friends, I realize that you have only met this girl, but I beg you, watch over her. She is lost in a world of hate right now. Her life has been very difficult, and I only ask that you protect her. But don't let her know." I looked to my brothers. Mikey gave a thumbs up, Donnie shrugged and Raph glowered.

"Alright, we'll protect her."

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