Chapter 2

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Disclaimer- I only own Joy!

Joy's POV

I woke in a totally unfamiliar alley, which was a sad change. The stars winked down at me from the black sky. What worried me most though, was the fact that I couldn't smell Murikami's shop, which meant I was nowhere near home (or whatever you call a dumpster you sleep in).

My wolf ears picked up voices somewhere above me. I could just barely make out what they were saying.

"She's awake!"

"Dude, she's half wolf, she can probably hear us!"


"Who you calling idiots?"

"You, idiot!"

"That's it!"

I heard the sounds of steel clanging, and fist fights breaking out. I looked up, and saw... well, nothing, but I could hear the noise coming from up there. I snorted. No one followed me around, no one.

I turned and walked off. First things first, I had to cover up. I pushed the door to a hat shop open, some moron forgot to lock up.

I looked through the stacks of hats until I found a light grey beanie. Perfect. I placed the right amount of money on the counter and took the hat. I tucked my tail into my pants' back pocket, and I was set. I let down my hair, letting it fall down my back. I fit the beanie over my ears and looked at myself in a shop mirror. I looked more confident than I had in the last..... lifetime.

I felt like a new person, walking out of that shop. But I knew it wouldn't last forever.

I looked at my position. To get home... I would have to go past TCRI, and head west. Easy enough. I started on my way, thinking of the voices from the rooftops. What were they doing, watching me? What did they even want me for? I shook the thoughts out of my head. It's not like I would find out the answers anytime soon.

I reached TCRI without much trouble, and turned my back on the rising sun.

Soon enough, I was clambering into my dumpster head first. I slipped and fell in, dog whimpering when I hit my head. I heard a snicker coming from the rooftops. Whoever was following me were back, but I was so exhausted I didn't care. I would deal with them in the morning, if I ever woke up.

I shut my eyes and soon fell into a blissfully dreamless sleep.

Donnie's POV

We watched as Joy struggled to wriggle into the dumpster. I heard a CLANG, and a dog whimper. Raph stifled a laugh before I elbowed him into silence.

As soon as I was sure she was asleep, I jumped down from the roof and slipped a spare T-phone with everyone's contact information into the dumpster. I climbed back up to the rooftop as Leo began getting fidgety.

"Finally!" he exclaimed quietly as I reached the top. "There's a Kraang truck three blocks from here! Let's move!"

Needless to say, we kicked some serious butt.

When we returned to the lair, Splinter exhaled in relief.

"Sorry we're so late, Sensei, but Mr. Murikami needed us to protect this mutant girl, and he said we shouldn't give ourselves away if we can avoid it." I quickly explained. Leo nodded as Splinter tugged on his beard.

"Very well, my sons, but you need rest now. I will see you four in the morning." He slipped into his room.

I wandered into my lab and started looking through plans on my computer, trying to pick out a new project.

Nothing caught my eye, but I remembered that Murikami hadn't told us the girl's name. So I looked up photos of girls that had wolf ears. To my surprise, a news article came up.


Is It Possible That There Is a Werewolf Living In New York?

The article mostly contained sightings of a wolf transforming into a girl (and a lot of grainy photos, like a blown up cell phone picture), but no one managed to catch her face. There were videos of frightened civilians recalling their personal experience with the "werewolf".

I rolled my eyes at pictures of girls dressing up as wolves for attention. Most of them were blonde! One was even an eighty-nine year old woman with a shock of white hair!

I knew I had to keep my findings hidden from my brothers, at least until I knew it was safe. When that would be, I had no idea.

I quickly turned off the computer and fell asleep at my desk. Oh well, I'll just have to deal with the neck pains in the morning, but now I needed sleep.

Joy's POV

I slowly woke up to find this kind of phone thing that was shaped like a turtle shell next to my hand. I picked it up and shoved it into my back pocket, along with my tail.

I heard a sudden CLANG! Startled, I climbed out of the dumpster to find Purple Dragons kicking at the dumpster!

"Hey!" I shouted. "What do you think you're doing!" One of them, a little more scrawny and underfed compared to his buffer friends, turned to me and grinned cruelly.

"Getting your attention." he said before lunging at me, knocking me down. I curled into a ball as they kicked me. Blood burst from my nose. I was pretty sure i scored a black eye, too.

The thin one pulled out a pocket knife. I knew what he was doing. I rolled to my feet, getting into a fighting stance. I felt something warm and sticky trickle down my arms and legs. Red spurted from my right cheek.

One guy flew at me and wrapped his strong hands around my throat. I was instantly knocked onto my back, his hands around my neck, cutting off my already lacking air supply.

I almost transformed into my wolf, before remembering that I didn't know that the reason they were attacking was becaue I was a mutant.

He continued to choke me, madness in his eyes. I started kicking at him, but his bigger friend sat on my legs. My face started turning purple, and my head was packed with cotton balls, getting fuzzier every second.

I elbowed him in the chest and he loosened his grip slightly, before coming down hard again. Luckily, that gulp of air was just enough to get my brain working again.

I pulled out the shell shaped phone and saw a button that said "emergency call" and pressed it before my arms started spasming and flung the phone across the concrete.

My vision was growing dimmer and dimmer, but I managed to let out a strangled scream, for the phone's sake. I hoped that whoever was on the other end knew what to do, because I sure didn't. My plan? I just tried it. I hoped it worked, but if it didn't, how would I know? I would be dead!

The darkness swirled around me, enveloping me with open arms. I faintly heard tires screeching somewhere, but I was too far gone.

A/N I hope you enjoyed my second chapter of my very first fanfic, don't forget to comment if there is something you don't like

Love ya like family!

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