Chapter 6

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Joy's POV

I walked into my house after school one afternoon quietly. He shouldn't be there, tonight he was supposed to be out.

But he was there.

He leaned against the doorway to the living room, a bottle in one hand, a knife in the other.

A cruel smile twisted his lips, and by the way his eyes glided over me, I would say he was too deep in to be shaken out.

If it was any other day, I would have thrown my backpack into one corner of the room and had my head lowered, bracing myself for the beating.

But not today. Today was the anniversary. The anniversary of Mom's death.

No, murder.

This time, I held my head high. I tossed my backpack and marched up to him. He looked down at me like I was a cockroach.

"So the beast finally decides to stand up to the hero." That's what he always thought of himself as. The hero. And I was always the beast with my wolf side.

I spat in his face. The grin melted, and pain exploded in my jaw. I stumbled back a few feet, growling.

I charged him, but his knife flashed, and blood poured through the gash in my cheek.

I tried to kick him in the stomach, but he caught my foot and flipped me onto my back.

Anger and adrenaline coursed through my veins. I felt my hands melting into paws, my nose transforming into a snout as I pounced on him.

He fell on his back, my face inches from his. I was all set to end it, right then and there. But then he said something that only death could make me forget.

"Are you gonna kill me now? Would that make you feel better?" The slurred voice said. "I'll tell you this: it won't. It didn't for me." He laughed then, as if what he said next was the funniest thing in the world.

"But I still loved seeing her blood."

I was six.
. . .

I woke screaming, my heart pounding at my rib cage. The turtles rushed into the room.

"Joy! What happened?!" Mikey shrieked. I slowed my breaths.

"I-it was nothing, Mikey. Just a... memory." I shuddered. Reaching up, I slipped off my beanie and rubbed an ear.

"Okay. Did you wanna talk about it?" he asked.

"No. No, I just... need a bucket." I ran to the kitchen and hurled into the garbage can.

I was shaking so hard, I almost convinced myself that there was an earthquake and I just didn't notice.

I wiped my mouth and sat on the cold stone floor. The guys watched me from the doorway as I tucked my head into my knees.

My past was coming back to haunt me, and I couldn't take it. I had heard of people just snap from less. I was probably next.

Mikey sat down next to me and awkwardly pulled me close. I rested my head on his plastron.

Against my will, a thought came to me. What if he never did leave town? What if he's been waiting for me to come back to almost kill me again?

I shuddered. No. He wouldn't do that.

Would he?

Mikey's POV

I wrapped Joy in a hug awkwardly. She was shaking, and accepted it gratefully, but I swear I saw Raph glare at me with jealousy.

Ooohhh, someone's gonna get teased, boi!

I helped her up, and led her back over to the couch. Leo grabbed her a blanket.

"Did you need a tissue?" I asked.

"No, I think I'll be okay."

"I'll go get you a tissue." I landed a smoke bomb, but soon reappeared again. "We don't have any tissues. Can I make you some-"

"Mikey!" Donnie slapped the smoke bomb out of my hands. I snickered. I knew that would get to him.

Joy pulled the blanket closer around her.

"Leo, can I talk to you?" She glanced at us. "Alone?" He looked surprised, but motioned for us to go to bed.

I stomped into my room. I hated being left out, but at the same time I wondered what they were talking about...

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