Chapter 7

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Disclaimer- I only own Joy!

Leo's POV

I sat down next to Joy, curious. Why did she want to talk alone?

"Can you keep a secret?" she asked suddenly.



"*sigh* yeah. Yeah, okay." She look a deep breath, and told me. Told me everything.

Her father, the drinking, the fights, and worst of all, her mother's murder.

When she finished, she looked up to see my reaction. Tears were brimming her eyes.

"Joy I-"

"I don't want your sympathy, Leo, I told you because you needed to know." she clarified.

"And why wouldn't the others need to know?" I asked cockily. She turned and glared.

"Because I know how they'd react, and it is not how I want them to. The only reason I told you is because I know you know better than to look for revenge. That's my job." She stood abruptly. "That's also why you won't say a word, will you?" I sighed and stood with her.


Joy's POV

Leo looked so defeated, standing there. Well, I'm sorry, but I know Raph.

He would be looking for a kill. I didn't want blood on his hands. Even if it could be Dad's.

I strode back to the pool of blood we found in the sewer. I sat down, drawing my fingers through the crimson liquid. It reminded me of....

It was before Dad started drinking, but even then he was dangerous. The only person who could calm him down in a rage was Mom.

But then there was that one night when I heard loud voices drifting up from the kitchen.

I crept down the stairs from my room quietly.

"-just different! Joy has always been special! Don't you dare say another word against her!" I heard my mom spit.

"Grace, open your eyes! She's a beast! A freak! A mutant! Why can't you see that?!?" my dad shouted.

"BECAUSE SHE'S OUR DAUGHTER!!!!!" she retaliated, screaming. Then her voice dropped to a whisper. "What do you suggest we do, Carter? Surgically remove the tail and ears? She'd still transform! And you know money is tight right now! Or are you suggesting that we disown her, her only family, at the age of four?!"

I could practically hear my dad shaking with anger.

That's when I heard a blade being unsheathed. A strangled scream echoed off the walls, and I sprinted down the stairs.

I entered the kitchen to find my mother's body drowning in crimson. My father stood over it, bloody knife in hand.

"D-Daddy?!" I stuttered. He let out a mad laugh.

"Go back to bed." He hissed. "I'll see you in the morning." As I crawled up the stairs, I realized that he had snapped when he killed her. He was insane.

I woke from my memories choking. Green fumes clouded my vision, blinding me. I stumbled around, suddenly fighting to keep consciousness. And I was losing.

I felt the cold floor press into my stomach as my vision dimmed. But just as quickly, the pressure vanished, replaced by a hand on my back, steadying me onto a shoulder.

As I slowly drifted away, I realized something, but I couldn't reach it completely. Only two words came to mind.

Knockout gas.
. . .

I slowly awoke to find myself strapped to a chair, restraints on my arms and legs, my tail untucked and my beanie nowhere to be found.

A large muscular man stood in front of me with full armor, and he was flanked by two other mutants. The big dog-thing from days earlier, and a red fish with fangs and robotic legs.

But what scared me most was the blades. Blades jutting out from the man's gloves, protruding from his helmet, guarding his waist.

I heard a buzzing sound, and looked up to find a giant fly flitting around my head, playing with vials and beakers filled with colourful concoctions.

"And how are we feeling, Miss Joy?" The armoured man rumbled. I groaned, my head pounding.

"Peachy, just peachy." I said sarcastically.

"I don't believe I've properly introduced myself. I am known to my victims as the Shredder, and from the looks of things I am willing to bet that you will soon join them." he smirked. I spat in his face.

"Don't count on it, buddy."

Probably not the wisest thing I could have said right there, because the Shredder's arm jerked, and I felt an eruption of pain exploding in my jaw.

"You will come to fear me soon enough. But for now, I must demonstrate why at the proper moments." He struck me across the face, the blow almost blinding. I screamed, and through my tears, his mouth twisted into a cruel smile.

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