Chapter 3

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Disclaimer- I only own Joy!

Mikey's POV

I was deep into my video game trance when Donnie comes out of his lab, waving his arms.

"GUYS! Get up!" he yelled. I paused my game and joined my bros. We gathered around his T-phone as Donnie clicked a recorded call.

"-Hold her down! You idiots! You-" a strangled scream echoed out of the phone. And then it went silent as the call ended.

"We have to help her! Lets go, now! We promised Mr. Murikami!" We sprinted over to the shell raiser and buckled up as Leo stepped on the gas. Donnie barely had time to open the door before we blasted through.

We drove into the alley with the girl's dumpster in it. We flew out to find the purple dragons pinning the girl down, and her face was blue. She was knocked out cold on the concrete.

Anger rose up inside me, making my face red. NOBODY messed with people with the great and powerful Michelangelo protecting them!

I lunged at one of the PDs, knocking him off her throat. We rolled, engaged in combat. Faster than ever, the great Michelangelo had him in chains, hanging from the rooftops. I turned, and the battle was over quickly.

Leo picked up the girl in his arms. Blood ran down her cheeks, arms and legs. Donnie inspected her stomach, which was covered in bruises. A nasty black eye showed clearly.

I lowered my head, feeling guilty. We were supposed to be protecting her, and yet the first thing we do is let her almost get strangled.

She gasped, eyes flying open. She looked up at Leo's eyes, and then seemed to realize that we were turtles.

"You!" she exclaimed. She rolled out of Leo's arms and fell to the ground, but quickly popped back up again. Donnie stepped forward.

"I don't believe that we've properly introduced ourselves. I'm Donnie, and these are my brothers Raph, Leo, and Mikey. And you are?"

"Joy." She shook his hand, and you could see that her hand was shaking. Raph snickered.

"Joy. If your name is Joy, then shouldn't you be more, I don't know, joyful?" Joy growled.

"Yeah, well, appearances can be deceiving. What do you want?" she asked, sounding bored and defensive at the same time.

"Well, for one, we want to help." Leo explained.

"We do?" Raph grumbled. He gave him a pointed look.

"Yes, we do. Anyway we can."

"Oh?" Joy raised an eyebrow. "Why? For money? Is someone paying you? Or for a favor? I'm sorry if I sound rude, but I just don't believe in the honesty of mortality." She gestured to her ears, still hidden beneath her beanie. "I also can't believe you would guard a freak out of the goodness of your hearts." Leo shrugged.

"Believe it or not, we're going to protect you." And then he winked. "Just think of us as your guardian turtles." She rolled her eyes.

Joy's POV

I subconsciously rubbed my ears. I was so tired, but I had to be careful about what I said. Donnie spoke up.

"Love to chat some more, but we need to get you cleaned up." he noted, eyeing my cuts and bruises. I crossed my arms.

"I am quite capable of taking care of myself, you know." I said. He stared me down.

"I'm sure you are. Nevertheless, you need to get some medical attention, like now."

"And how do you propose I do that?" I huffed. "Look at me, Donnie, it's not like I can afford the bill!" He grinned deviously and scooped me up, bridal style.

"And while that may be true, I don't charge."

They plopped me next to Mikey in this old subway car and drove through a secret door and into the sewers.

I braided a lock of my dark hair, deep in thought. Who else knew about my struggles in life? Obviously, these turtles didn't, or I would be abandoned faster than I could say "freak". That left only one person.

Mr. Murikami must have asked them to look out for me. I loved the guy, but I knew that all he saw was a mutant who couldn't fend for herself. Well, I was determined to prove him wrong.

Just then, the car slowed to a stop. I stood, only to sit back down again, pain flaring in my ankle. I grimaced, managing not to make a sound as the turtles exited the car. Mikey turned before he left.

"You coming?" he asked. I nodded, forcing a smile. I tried to stand, but only succeeded in falling to the floor, crying out in pain. Without another word, Mikey picked me up bridal style and helped me out of the subway car.

He set me down on the sofa and went to get Donnie. I sighed. It was obvious that I was going to get hurt a lot more. It would be like when my dad was around years ago. What he did to me... I shuddered. What he did to me I was determined to forget, but I knew I would never forgive.

Mikey returned with Donnie trailing behind him, armed with a first aid kit. They got to work on my face and arms first, but when they were done with that, Donnie blushed.

"Uh, I'm going to need to see your middle." I nodded and pulled the hem of my shirt up to just below my ribs.

Donnie went into full doctor mode, focusing at the task at hand. I grimaced at the pain, but it was nothing compared to a certain childhood.

When they finished, Mikey told me to rest on the couch.

"When can I go home?" I asked them. Raph came in just then and snorted.

"You mean that dumpster? Yeah, there is no way Donnie is going to let you go back." I looked a Donnie, and he just shrugged, an apology in his eyes. I sighed, exasperated, and settled back onto the sofa.

"Well, if you're going to stay here a while, did you want to watch something?" Leo asked, coming in from the dojo. I shrugged as they plopped down on the sofa with me.

Mikey put in Five Nights At Freddy's, and I almost had to laugh several times. I'd gone through worse.

Raph's POV

I was terrified. Why did I even agree to watching Five Nights at Freddy's?!

I looked over at Joy to see that she looked almost... amused! She must have been through some hardcore experiences. I turned my attention back to the movie.

Suddenly, I felt a weight on my shoulder. Joy had fallen asleep, laying lightly on me. I became mesmerized by her constellation of freckles.

Mikey caught me staring and smirked at me. I scowled at him, which only made him smile wider.

Ignoring him, I looked back at Joy. I noticed her breathing wasn't even. She must have been a light sleeper, but I knew that the only way you were a light sleeper was if you became one.

I recalled Murikami saying that she had a difficult past. I wondered what kind of past she had gone through.... but there was no way I would ask. Even though she had just attacked me, I respected her enough to believe she would tell us when she was ready.

I scooped her up and carried her into the spare room. I placed her on the bed gently.

When I returned to the main room, I found my brothers turning the movie off and heading to their rooms. I shrugged and headed to my own. I laid down on my unmade bed and groaned.

'You're going soft. First thing tomorrow, you are gonna train till you pass out!' I thought to myself. I nodded at my plan, rolling over and passing out.

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