Chapter 5

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Disclaimer- I only own Joy.

Raph's POV

One morning, Donnie wandered into the kitchen, grabbed the plate Mikey set out for him and announced:

"I think we should check up on Joy." This caught me off guard.

We hadn't spoken about Joy since the day she left, and Leo got his butt verbally whipped by a boiling Donnie. It was so good I wished I grabbed some popcorn.

"Why?" Mikey asked. "She seemed pretty relieved to go!" He gave him his best glare.

"I'm just saying, she might have gotten attacked again." he protested. I rolled my eyes.

"Fiiine!" Leo gave. "We leave after breakfast." Donnie lit up immediately.

"Great!" he exclaimed. "I'll give her a call to let her know we're coming!"

As breakfast finished up, I headed over to the dummy that I liked to punch the lights out of.

I passed by the lab on my way and decided to eavesdrop on Donnie's phone call. I snickered when I realized that the brainiac had the phone on speaker. Leo must have wanted to listen in, since Sensei was in New Jersey.

"-so yeah, we'll be up in a couple minutes to see how you're doing and-"

"No!" Joy's panicked voice cut him off. "I'm fine, really! Don't come up! It's not like I'm worth the trouble!"

"Joy, is everything okay?" Leo cut in.

"I said I'm fine! Don't come up!" There was a click, and the line went dead. My brothers paused.

"You're still going up, aren't you." Leo stated.

. . .

Minutes later, we leapt across the rooftops, scanning for the right alley. When we found it, we leapt down and looked for any immediate threats. Nothing.

It was eerily quiet. Mikey gently knocked on the dumpster.

"Anyone home?" he asked. You could hear her whimper.

"I told you not to come." She sounded defeated, in pain. I clenched my fists.

"Yeah, well, we're here, and you aren't gonna get rid of us. So come on out!" I called harshly. I could hear her shifting around in there.

She stood slowly, the brim of the can going up to her waist.

"What?" she snapped, losing her patience. We couldn't say anything. We just stared.

Her shoulder was swollen, and she was breathing like it was the most painful thing in the world. Cuts and bruises covered her face and arms, and her wrist was bent in an odd direction.

"When did this happen?" Leo asked. Joy pursed her lips.

"Last night."

"And you didn't tell us, why?!" Donnie practically shouted. Anger reflected in her eyes.

"Because I'm fine! Nothing serious happened! I just... fell." she told them. I was unconvinced.

I threw her over one shoulder and started off for the lair. She shrieked, kicking at me.

"Raphael, you put me down right now!" she screamed at me. I grinned.

"Sorry, Joy, no can do!" I chuckled, jumping from roof to roof. She gave an exasperated "ugh."

"So," Mikey started. "Are ya gonna tell us what happened?" Joy propped her head up in her hand, elbow on my shell as we started jumping from rooftop to rooftop.

"Nope." She popped the "p". I grimaced. This girl was stubborn. Luckily, I happened to be a master of persuasion.

I stopped jumping. "Raph, what are you-" I cut her off by throwing her fifteen feet into the air.

She screamed, flailing. I caught her bridal style, grinning.

"Gonna talk yet?" She shook her head. I tossed her up again.

"OKAY OKAY I'LL TAAALLLKKK!!!" she screamed. I caught her and climbed into the sewer, sitting her down.

I looked around, frowning. Something was different. It smelled like... blood.

My brothers gathered around me, sniffing. That was when I spotted a pool of blood just starting to turn into a stain.

Joy crawled forward, placing her hand in the blood and examining it.

"I didn't think I bled that much..." she muttered. Leo whirled on her.

"This is your blood?" he yelled. She nodded slowly. "Since when do you hang out in the sewer?!" She sniffed.

"Since never. I fell in last night." she explained. "I was running and wasn't looking where I was going." Donnie looked doubtful, but Mikey was sold.

"Well that sounds truthful!" I slapped him upside the head. "What?!"

"Uh huh." Donnie interjected. "What really happened?" She threw her hands up, defeated.

"Fiiine!" she sighed. "I-may-have-gotten-kidnapped-by-a-mutant-dog-thing-and-a-bunch-of-ninjas-with-footprint-logos-and-I-may-or-may-not-have-broken-ribs-and-a-dislocated-shoulder-a-broken-wrist-a-sprained-ankle-and-I'm-pretty-sure-I-got-rope-burn!" She gasped for breath. "Happy?"

"No!" I shouted. I grabbed her non-broken wrist and pulled her to her feet. "We're getting you to the lair and getting you fixed up!"


"Let's go!" I practically dragged her down to the lair and sat her on the sofa.

Joy's POV

Donnie knelt in front of me, reaching for my wrist.

"Okay, this is going to hurt. A lot. But I have to set the bone for it to start to heal." he explained. I took a breath and nodded.

He pulled my arm and I heard a sickening crack. I let out a short cry.

"Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!" I cradled my arm as Donnie put it in a sling. I focused on steadying my breathing before asking. "That's not the last bone set, is it?"


"Okay, let's get it over with."

The next few hours were torturous, but when we finally finished with my shoulder, ankle, and bandaged up the rope burns, I was allowed to relax.

The guys thought I was sleeping the pain off, but I wanted to eavesdrop on- I mean hear- how they were handling this.

"That girl is going to get herself killed." Raph grumbled. "And I'll bet you anything that she wouldn't tell us."

"Cut her some slack, she's had it rough!" Leo scolded him. "Although, I do sometimes wonder what happened in life to make her so angry at humankind, or you know, turtle kind." I mentally snorted.

Wouldn't they like to know...

A/N I feel so twisted! TMB! Too much blood! Sorry about that!


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