intos i guess

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In my story when eda finds luz she is 31 and luz is a newborn the person who leaves her in the trashcan left her hospital bracelet on that you get as a baby so that is how Eda knew luzs name and she kept luzs name luz but changed her last name to Clawthorne.

The blight family in my story  it goes like the show but kinda different they dont not let amity hangout with luz but amity not wanting what happened between her and willow to happen with her and luz never trys to be friends with her but she doesn't let bosha pick on luz she also dosent stop it tho

Im not good and puting commas and stuff like that im kinda good at remembering to put periods and question marks and ! If thats makes people not want to read my story im sorry i will try but i will probably forget alot but anyways i hope you have fun reading my story

wouldn't have It any different (Found Luz AU)Where stories live. Discover now