3. friends? noooo

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3rd person pov:
Luz woke up to her scroll alarm going off she didn't wanna wake up but she knew if she didn't king would make her wake up and make him food so she got up....

"Ugh my head hurts so bad." luz said siting up in bed the night before her and eda had gone on a "field trip" and luz didn't get in bed untill late and and she had a really bad headache "i need to get ready school starts soon." Luz got up grabbed her clothes and walked out of her room to the bathroom and started the water. "Ugh i look like i just crawled out of a hole..." She took off her clothes and got in the shower

20 minutes later

As luz got out of the shower and got her clothes on she was feeling kinda better but not really. "i will just ask eda to do a healing spell on me before i leave ugh-." and with that she dried her hair with her towel walked back to her room put her clothes and stuff down grabed her school stuff and walked downstairs where eda was siting at the table in the kitchen and king was asleep in the living room. "Morning kiddo." Eda said as she took a sip of her apple blood. "Morning eda uhm can you do a healing spell on me my head still hurting." "Really still damn kiddo but okay." Eda got up and did the spell "there kid now take owlbert and head to school." "Okay eda im off bye." Luz said as she walked out the door to head to school.
As luz walked in to the school she saw her two best friends, "hey willow hey gus!" She yelled running up to them "hey luz" willow said "hey luz!" Gus said and with that all three of the teenagers shared a group hug and then the bell rang "ughhhh... I don't wanna go to this class I have to sit next to amity" luz said annoyed "why did the teacher even put you two together anyways?" Willow asked as her and luz made there way to there classes "he wanted us to be friends and the first thing amity said was" luz put up air quotes " me friends with her never" luz said in a mocking kind of voice and with that they where at luzs class "bestie don't leave me" luz held out her arms as willow walked away "I will see you at lunch bye luz" "bye willow" luz yelled and walked into class and to her disappointment there she saw amity...Siting next to luzs seat...Looking....cute? Luz thought but just then the teacher said "luz please sit down so we may start class" she made her way to her seat "okay class today we will be starting a project where I will be picking your partners" luz zooned out as he went down the list that is untill she heard her name " and luz you will be working with....."

To be continued

wouldn't have It any different (Found Luz AU)Where stories live. Discover now