4. an unwanted project

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And luz you will be working with... Amity",

"WHAT!" both luz and amity yelled, "but why me and her dont get along you know that" luz said kinda annoyed " yeah i dont like her either im not working with her!",  Amity said "well then your going to fail this assignment miss blight.", Amity was mad but she couldn't get a bad grade she was a blight and like her mother always told her "as a blight you must get only A's if not you will be punished", she mocked her mother in her head "ugh fine",

~After class~

" Ughhhh bestie he paired me and little miss prissy perfect together" luz said to willow with her head on the lunch table,  "well  that sucks but you need the grade didnt bump tell you if you kept getting bad grades he would move you to the baby class?", willow said before taking a bite of her food "shit your right" luz said even more annoyed now remembering her talk with principal bump the week prior to this and witch she vented to willow about afterwards, "but like why her he could have chosen anyone hell i wouldnt have given two shits if he made me work with bosha But noooooo he chooses to make the two kids who hate each other in his class work together i-", and with that amity speaks "while i would love to stand here and listen to you talk shit about me and hear your failing we have a project to work on every monday i am at the library we will meet there to work on this got it?", Luz was kinda shocked by two things one that amity had been listening the whole time and two that amity still would go to the library after school every monday, "ok bye bye blight" she waved as amity walked off once she was gone she turned twords willow "wills did i mess up" she said with puppy dog eyes " big time buddy", she pated luzs shoulder she knew luz liked amity but luz wouldnt ever dare say it out loud let alone admit it to herself


"Shit the bell bye wills love ya girl" she said while heading to the plant room, yeah while she took all tracks she didnt have a classes with willow untill 5th period it was only 4th so they still had to wait,......

To be continued..</3

wouldn't have It any different (Found Luz AU)Where stories live. Discover now