2. her future

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It wasn't until she was back at the owl house that she realized that luz was now her responsibility. What do i do now i know nothing about babys and shes a human baby thats worse because i cant treat her like a baby witchling she has no magical ability whats is her future gonna be like...

1 year later (luz is now 1 and eda is 32)

One year ago today i found luz one year ago i made the wild choice to take her in and god has she changed me in the time eda has had luz she has learned everything to know about how to raise a baby " if you told me a year ago that i would be raising a baby i would have laughed but luz you really have changed me... Definitely for the better i love you kid."

3 years later (luz is starting school)

Luz pov:
"mama eda why are you taking me to school i dont wanna leave youuu." "Kid i might not like it but you need to learn and im no a good teacher i will miss you too but is only a couple hours you will be back at the owl house in no time now go on and learn i love you" and with that mama eda was flying off i walked up to my friend willow and we walked into school " willow how do you not miss your dads?" I asked " well luz i do but if i miss them and dont learn i will never become a powerful witch!" Then a man with something on his head came into our classroom " Good morning students i am your principal please call me principal bump so who is ready to chose there coven track huh?..."

wouldn't have It any different (Found Luz AU)Where stories live. Discover now