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Chapter 6


    It was Monday. And here, It was the ugliest day of the week. Everyone was so tired. No one gave a crap on what they looked like. In high school not giving a crap on what you look like was ugly. There was not a single hair-do. Everyone was wearing sweats, a couple kids were still in there pajama’s. I was the only decent looking one.

        The principal walked in. She was the ugliest of all. She was dressed exactly like everyone else, but add a broken nose and black eye from Anna’s punch.

“I know you are all staring at me because I am so ugly. Well, guess what, you are all ugly as well! Ha! Any way today is locker inspection day. Watch out! I’ll get you like a cat hunts down a mouse,” I had never actually seen the principal. Except for when Anna punched her. She was a devil. I had thought she was a weakling ever since Anna took her out. I chuckled looking back at the punch.

“Whatchya laughin’ at buddy boy!!” she snapped. It was like she appeared out of the blue. I looked up, so scared, feeling as small as a mouse she was about to step on. My eyes were wide open as well as my mouth. I couldn’t squeeze out  a single word out.

“That’s what I thought! Anyway let’s start the inspection, shall we,” everyone nodded in agreement and fear. “Good. Now, you know how I do it. You’re illiterate you’re illiterate… New kid! Buddy boy! You’re first!”

As she looked through my locker I realized the note was in it! “Uh-oh,” I said under my breath.

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