Midnight Murder

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Midnight Murder

    “Ahhhhhhh!” I awoke to a strange scream that came from Aunt Maddi’s room. I looked over at the metal baseball bat at the foot of my bed. I grabbed it and hung it over my shoulder as if a baseball was hurtling toward me. I crept down the hall still with the bat hung over my shoulder. I saw a figure in Aunt Maddi’s room but I couldn’t see who or what it was. All I could see was that Aunt Maddi was still asleep Achoo! I sneezed. That gave me away. The figure turned it’s head and started speed walking out of the room when she got to me I freaked out and I wacked her in the head with a bong! I stepped over her body carefully so I didn’t wake her up.

        “Aunt Maddi” I wiggled her shoulder a bit “Wake up,” It was then I noticed the blood on the bed sheets I looked over and saw a knife lodged in her colon. I gasped and picked up the phone. 911 I dialed. BOOM! The murderer pushed me to the floor.

“If you rat me out…” She glared at me. “I will personally…” she grabbed the knife out of Aunt Maddi’s colon. “Jab this knife into YOUR colon!” the knife kept waving around blade first in front of my face. “You know what…” The knife got closer. “I’ll do it…” the knife was inches away now  “Right…” Centimeters “NOW!” she stabbed the knife at my chest. I rolled as quick as possible away from it. She stabbed the ground instead. She got back over to me and pinned me down. I got loose of her grasp and punched her in the face. I picked up the phone, which the police had hung up on, and redialed 911.

“Hello?” the other line said.

“I have a murderer in my house she is knocked out at the moment. Hurry before she regains conciseness!” I yelled.

“We’ll be right there!” the other line said. With that we hung up. The murderer started to wake up. I hesitated. I picked up the metal bat and wacked her hard in the head once again. WEE-OOH WEE-OOH WEE-OOH! I looked out the window and saw at least a dozen cop cars coming down the road.

“What’s going on?” my mom asked as she walked in the room rubbing her tired eyes. “Ahhhh!” she screamed when she saw her dead sister on the bed. “AHHHHH!” she screamed even louder when the cops broke down the front door. “AHHHHHHHHHHHH!” she screamed on the top of her lungs when she saw the knocked out murderer and the knife that was jabbed into the floor.

The cops bursted into the room. In sync my mom and I pointed to the woman on the floor. As they dragged her out of the room and loaded her into the cop car they said “thanks for calling us. you did the right thing,” then I saw his prosthetic leg and realized it was officer Keeden S. Newcomer.

“Your welcome,” I said as he was shutting the door to the bedroom.

She woke up imprisoned in a jail cell “Where am I?” she asked.

        “You are in prison,” said a nearby security guard.

        “Why?” she asked.

        “Don’t play dumb. You know what you did.” She nodded her head no. “You killed Anna Paski, Tasha Dullson, Tara Carmera, A camera man for the local news, Dakota Arvin, And Maddi Stenson.” he said. “Think before you do.” With that he left her alone in the locked cell.

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