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Julian almost jumped off his feet as he read the message. He'd screamed of happiness to the top of his lung and praised God for it. He quickly tapped his phone right away replying to the random number.

Hey Sky sorry for the late reply

He was actually twenty five minutes late. He quickly saved the number as Skylar and went trough his WhatsApp contact just to check on if Skylar has the apps.

She does has the apps. He touched her profile picture and there are two girls in the picture smiling looking all happy. One with the big black hat and the other looking carefree. The two of them are pretty, he must say.

So which one is her?

He then went to his own profile and stared at it. A picture of a cute puppy as his icon for the apps. He never really put his picture as the icon. He doesn't really into this selfie thing.

He waited for Sky to reply while sitting on the fluffy carpet where he threw his phone. Is this how people usually react to for having an internet friend or is it just him?

It's only him I think. Perks of not having plenty of friends with different gender because he's a shy boy.

But nice to know that he actually does has a lot of fans. Maybe more than Leon or Max in the team. He would blushed his cheeks off reading those messages from his fans about loving him and how they admired him.

He doesn't has twitter, but his mother and sister always help him checking on every social medias about his fans and tell him about what they wrote about him. And he'd ended up keeping his head down, laughed or blushed.

He loves his fans. Because they usually write silly things about shoving their face into his ass and all.

He still remember reading one of the fans' valentines card. He can't even keep his head up. Staring at the grass with those tomato cheeks on the field with his teammates teasing him.

He's such an angel.

Thank you God for the creation.

We all should thank Monika Draxler and his husband for Julian.

Yup. We should.

Julian's phone suddenly beamed signing to a new message;

sup juju im on omegle

Julian replied the message with,

how do i find you on omegle

His phone beamed again.

just put 'juju' as yr interest

Why can't she stop calling him Juju instead of Jules? Is it so hard to even type his name right?

Julian got himself up from the fluffy carpet and reached his laptop on his study table. He glanced at the clock over the wall before grunting softly.

He had been sleeping the whole evening.

Checking his phone for the last time if his teammates messaged him or probably his mom, he then switched on the laptop.

While waiting for the laptop to turn itself on, he spin himself on the spinning chair. Feeling all pumped up with all the ecstasy of joy inside him, he sang his football club's song.

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