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That was the only quotes pondering over his mind right now as Sky hasn't call him or even text him since last night. It almost drive him crazy as he keep on waking himself with the help of his alarms every ten minutes checking on his phone.

He thought his phone broke down or something so he went to the shop to check if the phone is okay or not. The owner of the shop says its fine and they ended up taking selfies with a sad face of Julian.

A ball suddenly hit his leg and he stared down at the ball looking all confused when Klaas pushed him over and kicked the ball away from him and into the goal post.

"What the fuck Jules?!"

Julian turned his body around only to find a Japanese man with his angry face. His mouth curve at the edge with a guilty face. He was completely zoned out. "I'm sorry, Uchi."

Uchida sighed before patting Julian's shoulder. "Are you sick? You looked tired."

Yes, I'm sick and tired. Sick because she didn't call me nor leave me a text and tired because I'm sleepy as hell.

"Nah, im okay," Julian shook his head off. His best friend stared at him for a minute before raising an eyebrow and run back to his position when Julian told him he's fine.

Damn you internet friend.


A picture of the clear sky as his home screen and some bird on it with no random number showed up since ten hours ago made him let a heavy sighed escaped. Everyone had left the dressing room leaving him alone, confused.


IS IT BECAUSE OF THE TIMEZONES? He thought about it for a while before shaking his head off. No, we live in the same country with different states.

"What's wrong with him?" Benni raised his eyebrow at Julian. Uchida shrugged his shoulders off. "I don't know."

"You're his best friend," Klaas stated.

"Hush, quiet down." Benni and Uchida hissed.

The three of them have been hiding behind the wall eyeing Julian the lost puppy since then. Klaas was standing behind the two of them with his arms wrapping his body looking all boring because Benni dragged him to this.

"He keeps on checking his phone."

"Is his mother sick?" Uchida asked, more to himself.

"Might be."

"Or not."

Klaas frowned at theirs theories and walked out from their hiding place and approached Julian. Benni and Uchida's eyes bulged out and they hissed. "What the fuck Klaas?"

"Come back!"

But of course Klaas ignored them and land his beautiful ass beside Julian. "Hey mate."

Julian quickly get his eyes off the phone and smiled.

"What's wrong?" he asked. "You keep on checking your phone every five minutes."

Omegle ft Julian DraxlerWhere stories live. Discover now