Coffee cafe (Dnf)

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Eyyyyyy, some Dnf fluff after some Dnf angst.


George wrote down the name on a cup, putting it on the counter and calling out the name.


A brown and white haired woman got up from her seat and walked over to the counter.

"Thank you," she said, with a bright smile on her face as she took the cup.

"No problem, have a good day," George replied, a smile spreading on his lips.

She walked back to her seat just as the door opened and George heard a small chime come from that side of the room.

George looked over and saw a dirty brown haired boy walking over to the counter.

"Hello," George said, walking over to the side of counter where he was standing.

"Hi," the man said.

"What can I get for you today?" George asked.

"A black coffee will be fine," the man said.

"Okay, and the name for the order?"


"Mhm, that will be 4.52, feel free to sit down wherever you like while you wait," George told him, scribbling down his order.

The man nodded and took some money out of his wallet and handed to to George then walked over to an empty table and took a seat.

George turned around and gave the order to Niki. He then turned back, taking in the dirty brown haired man. He had vibrant yellow eyes, that George assumed were a shade of green. He had wearing a black shirt that covered by a brown leather jacket over. He had on black jeans and black boots.

"You're staring George," a voice from beside him said, he could hear the smirk in their voice.

George looked over to see Hannah~Rose, another one of his co-workers, standing besides him.

"I'm not," he said to her, running a hand through his hair.

"Sure you're not," Hannah smirked, leaning down on the counter. George rolled his eyes and looked over at the door to see the door opening, the soft chime coming from the bell.

"Hi!" the person said, who George instantly realised as Sapnap, who frequently was at the cafe.

"Hey Sap," George smiled, pulling himself off the counter, "would you like your usual?"

"Yeah, but add a blueberry muffin and a mocha," Sapnap told him, leaning down on the counter as well.

George wrote it down and gave it to Hannah, along with the dirty browns order. She grinned and headed to back the back. "That's going to be 12.82," George said to him.

Sapnap rolled his eyes, but grabbed his wallet and pulled out thirteen dollars and passed it to him.

"What's up?" George asked, putting the money in it place.

"Well, I picked up Karl from his shift at the library, that's who I got the blueberry muffin for, he's in the car and the mocha is for Quackity, who's at home studying the for the bar," Sapnap told George.

George remembered Sapnap talking about his fiances previously. Karl was a librarian and Quackity was going to collage to be a lawyer.

"That's nice of you to get them stuff," George said.

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