First Day Of School

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The sun rises meaning it's a new day. I walk back into school and hear everyone still sleeping inside RWBY's dorm. I decide to be a good person today and go wake them up. I enter their dorm and gently rock Ruby awake. 

Y/N: "Ruuuuby, time to wake uuuup."

Ruby: *flips over* "Five more minutes mom."

I narrow my eyes and slightly growl when I get an idea.

Y/N: "If you don't get up then I'll eat all the cookies."

Her eyes shoot open and she gets in my face.

Ruby: "You won't get the chance."

Y/N: "Good you're awake, now you can wake up your teammates."

Ruby: "Where's the cookies?"

Y/N: "We'll go get some later, for now just get dressed and wake the others."

I head out of their room and head over to JNPR's room. I walk right in and up to Jaune's bed. 

Y/N: "Wake up Jaune."

Jaune: "Be careful, that crown's priceless."

Y/N: "You better wake up."

Jaune: "Yeah, I'm the man."

I deadpan before reeling back my hand and slapping him out of his bed. He lands on his neck and looks at me in anger.

Jaune: "The hell was that for!?"

Y/N: "You wouldn't get up. So I did what I saw others do to wake people up."

Jaune: "By slapping me?"

Y/N: "It worked didn't it?"

Jaune: "Touché."

Y/N: "It's time for school, get up and dressed."

Jaune: "What about the others?"

Y/N: "Your job as leader is to get them up and ready."

I head out of the room and enter my first class which is being taught by a jolly man named Port.

Port: "The creatures of Grimm have many names, but to me they'll always be known as prey."

Y/N: "I don't know if that's confidence or arrogance."

Port: "You shall call them this too after you graduate. Vale along with the three other kingdoms are safe hubs in a world we call home. A world which is teeming with all manner of creatures wanting to kill you. But fear not, for that's what Huntsmen and Huntresses are here for. These are people who've sworn to protect the people of this world. From what you may ask, why the world itself!"

Student: "Eyy-yeah"

I smile and applaud him for his boldness.

Port: "These are the kinds of people you're training to become. But first a story, when I was just a boy..."

He goes on a tale which I somewhat pay attention to.

Port: "The moral of the story? A true Huntsman must be smart, strategic and always be able to plan on the fly. Who among you think they embody these traits?"

Y/N: "I'd like to prove myself."

Port: "Then come on down."

I walk down to Port where he walks to a cage. 

Port: "Let the match... begin!"

He slams his axe onto a lock with a Borbatusk pushing down the door and roaring. However as soon as it locks eyes with me it squeals and runs back into the cage.

Port: "That's strange."

Y/N: *telepathically* "Kill me."

The Borbatusk's eyes turn black and it runs at me. I side step it while sticking out my foot tripping it. It lands on its side and kicks up the ground.

Port: "Nice moves."

Y/N: "Thank you."

The Borbatusk roars and runs at me as fast as it can. I once more side step it but this time grab its left tusk. The Borbatusk turns to face me and we begin a game of tug of war. 

Ruby: "You got this Y/N!!!"

I smile and use my superior strength to lift the Borbatusk off the ground. I slam its back on the ground letting out a nasty snap. It groans when I raise my fist and bring it down on its back shattering its spine.

Port: "Such a marvelous display! You're shaping up to be quite the Huntsman. I'm afraid that's all the time we have for today. Go over your readings and remember to always stay alert."

The bell rings and we're released for the day. I head out of the room but the moment I leave the door I'm greeted by Ruby.

Y/N: "You need something kid?"

Ruby: "I do believe you owe me cookies."

Y/N: *sigh* "Alright come on."

She grabs my wrist and full on drags me all the way down to Vale.

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