It's Only Just Begun

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Ruby POV

I fire Crescent Rose and bolt the direction as screeching can be heard. I feel it getting closer when I activate my semblance. I manage to get ahead where I see the ruins of initiation. I smile when I'm tackled to the ground and pinned down. My enemy snarls at me and brings its claws to my face; it then boops and smiles.

Y/N: "Tag, you're it." 

He helps me up and we begin making our way back to Beacon.


Ruby: "Sometimes I think you cheat."

Y/N: "How can I possibly cheat in tag?"

Ruby: "You have the speed advantage."

Y/N: "You're really complaining about speed? Your semblance is literally about speed."

She freezes before pouting while I just laugh. We reach beacon and instantly I'm bombarded by fellow students. I turn into my human form and begin fulfilling their requests.

Girl: "Can I please have your autograph?"

Y/N: "Of course you can."

I sign her notebook when Pyrrha finally arrives and manages the crowd.

Pyrrha: "Alright alright back up. It's not nice to crowd him. One at a time."

Boy: "It's Pyrrha Nikos!!!"

Pyrrha: "Ah crap."

I laugh at her when I decide to help her our.

Y/N: "Alright it's time for us to leave, please let us through."

They groan and disperse leaving us alone.

Y/N: "How do you honestly deal with all this?"

Pyrrha: "Believe it or not you'll end up getting used to it."

Y/N: "How long it take you?"

Pyrrha: "A year."

Y/N: "Then I've got a long ways to go."

Ruby: "You'll get there. In the meantime let's get some lunch."

We all make our way to the cafeteria where we fix a plate and sit down next to our friends.

Yang: "There he is, mister famous."

Y/N: *sits down* "Shut it Yang."

Blake: "How's it feel to be famous anyways?"

Y/N: "It's nice at times. Others it's like the whole world has its eyes on me."

Weiss: "You'll get used to all the attention."

Y/N: *sarcastically* "Thank you for your input miss heiress."

Weiss: "I was just trying to help."

Y/N: "I know, I just like pushing your buttons."

She hmphs when Ozpin speaks over the intercom.

Ozpin: "Y/N L/N please report to my office immediately."

Nora: "Uh oh, someone's in trouble~"

Y/N: "Shut up Nora."

I get up from my seat and walk to Ozpin's office.

Y/N: "You wanted to see me sir?"

Ozpin: "Yes, I have something I wish to discuss with you."

Y/N: "I'm all ears."

Ozpin: "We've gotten reports of a disturbance on the edge of the Emerald Forest. Apparently a lot of Grimm carcasses have been spotted there."

Y/N: "And you want me to investigate?"

Ozpin: "Correct. I fear it may be some kind of alpha Grimm, if my fears are correct then at least I'll know you'll be able to handle it."

Y/N: "I'm on the case."

I exit Beacon Tower and burst into a Grimm form.

I flap my wings and fly off to the edge of the Emerald Forest

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I flap my wings and fly off to the edge of the Emerald Forest. After two minutes I land in my human form and look around. I find the mentioned Grimm corpses and decide to look them over. Right away I can tell that they were torn apart by something, not a blade but something. I look around when I notice three sets of tracks. I look closer and discover that they're human.

Boy: "It's been far too long."

I turn around and see three boys around my age.

I turn around and see three boys around my age

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Y/N: "Who the hell are you three?"

Boy1: "Come now, is that anyway to treat guests?"

Boy2: "And people say we're the barbarians."

Y/N: "I won't ask again, speak your names or leave this place."

Yama: *sigh* "I'm Yama. And these are Limos and Kokou."

Y/N: "Nice to meet you three, now mind telling me why you're here?"

Limos: "We came searching for you."

Kokou: "But you ended up coming to us."

Y/N: "Are you three responsible for these corpses?"

Yama: "Yes, they were an inconvenience. But know we can finally take you home... baby brother.

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