Elections Gone Awry

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The news goes off as Ironwood and Clover walk into the training room. 

Ironwood: "You guys are giving it your all."

Y/N: "We have to if we wanna be prepared."

Ironwood: "Jacques may prove to be a problem."

Weiss: "What're we going to do?"

Yang: "Why not try to get Mantle on our side?"

Ironwood: "That would help bolster our numbers. But for that to work we'll need to disclose everything we know. And I'm not sure they're ready for something like that."

Y/N: "You gotta have more faith General. When there's a common enemy, everyone comes together."

Ironwood: "It's good to have optimism. But we also have to be realistic."

Clover: "Why don't you all take the night off?"

Blake: "Is that an order?"

Ironwood: "Yes. You've all worked so hard, you deserve a break."

Later that night I straighten out my clothes and head off with Ruby, Nora and Ren to a party of some sorts. I enter the building and see lots of both Faunus and humans.

Woman: "Thank you so much everyone for picking me to be your voice. I'll admit I was never any good at public speaking; which means it wasn't really a good idea to go into politics. While you believe in me it's I who believes in you. I know we're strong alone but together we're unstoppable. So no matter if I win or lose tonight, I'll always continue to fight for you, the people."

The crowd cheers as she walks away and the tv makes an announcement.

TV: "We're in the home stretch and it's anyone's game."

The crowd starts counting down but as they draw near the end the lights go down. Screaming is heard making me activate my night vision; I look around until I spot Kokou slaying people. I run to him and shoulder bash him into the wall. I go to punch him but he dodges it and holds us in a stalemate.

Y/N: "Why're you here?"

Kokou: "Fulfilling Yama's plan."

Y/N: "What's Yama's plan? I thought you were working for Salem."

Kokou: "Salem was nothing but a pawn. It's actually a shame, I kinda liked her."

Y/N: "What're you saying?"

Kokou: "Don't worry baby brother, you'll all find out soon enough."

Kokou sucker punches my ribs sending me to the wall on the other side of the building. I look straight and vault over Kokou as he delivers a right hook. I punch him into the wall when he catches my wrist and slams my head into the wall. Kokou then grabs the back of my vest and throws me into the ceiling.

I come crashing down when Kokou snap kicks me backwards. My back collides with the tv and begins electrocuting me. I scream in pain when I drop to the floor and the lights come back on. Ruby runs to me and helps me up. 

Ruby: "What happened?"

Y/N: "My brother."

Marrow: "We need to leave."

Crowd: "Get them!"

Marrow: "Stay."

The crowd slows down while we escape back to Ironwood's office.

Ironwood: "What happened down there?"

Y/N: "An unnamed man was there and started killing people. I tried to fight him off, but failed."

Ironwood: "So it seems our enemies have made it into the kingdom. I can only pray there's only one of them."

Y/N: "What're we going to do sir?"

Ironwood: "We stay on plan; except we just keep an extra eye out for anything out of the ordinary."

We head back to our dorms when we find a letter at the foot of our door. 

Y/N: "This just has bad news written all over it."

Weiss: "Agreed. What does my father think hosting a peace party will accomplish?"

Oscar: "Well with the election being canceled maybe that means he wants to join forces."

Y/N: "I don't buy it. I've known a lot of people like him and all of them are the same. They play friendly while secretly planning something for later on down the line."

Weiss: "I agree with Y/N. My father has have never be known to be straight forward; he's up to something."

Ruby: "Then I say it's up to us to find out whatever it is he's planning."

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