History And Myths

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Y/N: "Hello everyone."

Friends: "Hi."

Y/N: "So what're we talking about?"

Nora: "I was just telling everyone about the time Ren and I made a fortune selling Ursa pelts."

Ren: "Don't be fooled, this is a reoccurring dream she's been having."

Y/N: "Well it sounds like an awesome dream."

Nora: "Thank you. See, someone likes it."

Girl: "Ow, that hurts!"

I look and see Cardin pulling on a girl's rabbit ears.

Blake: "Poor Faunus."

Ruby: "It must be so hard being one going here with people like him around to torment you."

Pyrrha: "Simply despicable."

Girl: "Please let go."

Cardin: "I told you they were real."

Dove: "What a freak!"

I grit my teeth and get up from my seat. I roughly tap Cardin's shoulder making him turn around.

Cardin: "The hell you want?"

Y/N: "You have exactly three seconds to let this girl go or else."

Cardin: "Or else what?"

Y/N: "Just do it Winchester."

Cardin: "Just mind your own business and walk away."

He turns back to the girl and tightens his grip making her whimper and begin crying. I clench my fist and turn Cardin around. I slam my fist into his gut severely denting his armor. He drops to the ground gasping for air when his teammates rush at me. I step back and slam Russel's head into the ground. Dove and Sky lunge at me but I grab their heads and slam them into each other taking them both out. I look at Cardin who's still trying to regain his breath.

Y/N: "People like you disgust me. You bring shame to being a Huntsman. You're supposed to show love and protect people no matter what they are. Yet you do nothing but belittle and bully them simply because you feel like you can. You four aren't worthy of being called Huntsmen."

Cardin: "Who... cares."

I clench my fist then kick Cardin out cold. I inhale and exhale as my anger subsides.

Y/N: "Are you alright?"

Girl: "My ears hurt but I'll be fine."

Y/N: "If they continue to pick on you just let me know."

Girl: *smiles* "Will do."

I walk back to my table where I'm pat on the back by my friends.

Blake: "That was sweet what you did."

Y/N: "If there's one thing I can't stand most in this world it's people who bully other people just for the fun of it."

The bell rings and we head back to our dorms. A few days later I sit down in my history class which is being taught by a quirky man named Oobleck.

Oobleck: "It's at this point man was quite adamant about centralizing the Faunus population. Now which of you have been looked down at because of your Faunus heritage?"

I look and see most of the students have their hand raised.

Oobleck: "Dreadful. Remember that it's ignorance that gives birth to war. Now does anyone have any questions about history? Yes?"

Girl: "Are myths and history connected?"

Oobleck: "Outstanding question. The short answer is yes. Myths form the story telling element of history. While some myths may be false others are true. Those that are serve as tales of one's power and influence and source of inspiration to those who wish to live up to greatness."

Boy: "What's your favorite myth Mr. Oobleck?"

Oobleck: "I'm afraid I prefer to believe in history rather than myths."

Boy: "What about the myth of the beast that walks Remnant?"

Oobleck: "I don't think I'm aware of that one."

Boy: "Supposedly there's a Grimm so old out there that it's been around as long as we have. Because of this it's learned to stay hidden but has been known to help those in need."

Oobleck: "This does sound like an interesting myth but the fact is that no Grimm on this planet has been known to survive that long. True the Goliaths are old but they've been determined to have been around a third of our history. It's simply impossible, with Huntsmen and Huntresses around and natural barriers the odds are stacked solely against the Grimm."

Ruby: "You're wrong. I've seen that Grimm. It saved my grandma when she was just a little girl. I also saw it was I was little; it was in my backyard. It's real."

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