The City Of Argus

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We all stare in shock at Yang's suggestion.

Y/N: "What do you mean ditch it?"

Yang: "I mean we just dump it down the well. It'll take them years if not a lifetime to find it."

Y/N: "We can't do that."

Yang: "Why not?"

Y/N: "Because my brothers are smarter than the Grimm. they'll easily find it and bring it to Salem who'll  then launch all of her forces to find me and bring me to my brothers."

Ruby: "It's fine Y/N."

I look at her and see her heading for the well. I run after her when she screams and drops the lamp into the well. I dive after it and land in a maze like waterway. I look around but don't find the lamp anywhere.

Y/N: *closes eyes* "Okay Grimm side, lead me to the lamp.

Pretty soon those whispers return and my body starts moving on its own. Once I stop I open my eyes to find the lamp right in front of me. I grab it when I hear a groan and dicover dozens of Apathies ahead of me. They all look at me as I bolt out of the corner.

Ruby: "What's wrong?"

I point as the Apathies begin walking out of the corner towards us.

Maria: "We need to run!"

We run past her while I grab Maria; we take multiple blind turns until we arrive in the basement. We make our way up the steps when the Apathies groan taking away all of our strength. Weiss manages to wave her rapier which sends out a wave of ice partially freezing the Apathies and allowing us to regain our strength. We make it closer to the the door when the Apathies once again take away our strength. I look at Ruby to see the will to live leave her eyes. An Apathy reaches for her when my anger boils over. 

Y/N: "Ruby!!!"

3rd POV

The left side of Y/N's face contorts until it takes the shape of a dog like Grimm. He turns his gaze to the Apathies who freeze in fear.

Y/N: "Get away from her!"

The Apathies cower and quickly leave the area as Y/N's face returns to normal. He picks up Ruby, kicks open the basement doors and rushes with the others onto the trailer. Yang drives them away as Y/N holds Ruby until the life returns to her eyes.

Ruby: "What happened?"

Y/N: "The Apathies were about to hurt you, but I wasn't gonna let that happen."

Ruby: "You saved me?"

Y/N: "Yes, and I always will."

She smiles when Yang revs and stops on top of a hill.

Yang: "Guys, welcome to Argus."

We head into the city and after parking we hear a very loud voice.

Nora: "Cute boy Oz!!!!"

I turn and smile seeing JNR walking to us. While they all hug a pair of hands cover my eyes.

???: "Guess who."

Y/N: "Been a while."

I turn around and once the hands uncover my eyes I smile.

Ruby: "Pyrrha!!!!!"

Pyrrha: "Hello again."

Y/N: "What're you doing here?"

Pyrrha: "I live here, why're you here?"

Y/N: "Oh you know, just came for the beautiful coastline."

She rolls her eyes when Jaune motions for us to follow him.

Jaune: "Come on, we'll show you around."

We follow after him as he points out the sights until we arrive at the town center.

Y/N: "So where've you been staying?"

Jaune: "At-"

Woman: "There you are."

Yang: "Is that?"

Jaune: *shy chuckle* "Hi sis."

We now follow Jaune's sister who leads us to her house.

Ruby: "I can't believe I'm getting to meet your sister."

Pyrrha: "We'll tell you everything later."

Jaune: "Come on guys."

Saphron: "But I love talking about my baby brother."

I look slightly down at the mention of brother. My sulking must've been noticeable because I feel something tug on my pants. I look down and see a baby boy holding out his arms. I tilt his head and pick him up; once he's level with me he wraps his tiny arms around me and hugs me while cooing.

Everyone: "Awww."

I look and find everyone staring at us.

Saphron: "He never usually hugs strangers."

Yang: "Who knew you were good with kids."

Ruby: "That's Y/N for you."

I roll my eyes to show my disapproval. I take a quick peek to see if they're looking, when they're not I return the kid's hug.

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