Chapter 2

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As I walked the hall I saw a familiar blonde head walking a few people in front of me. I pushed people out of the way, earning many glares and dirty comments, to get to her. I jumped on top of her back and yelled "SNEAK ATTACK!" She laughed and turned her head around to look at me to say, "You know, you really need to see a doctor about that." I paused trying to think of a good comeback. Nothing. She gave me a sarcastic smile while saying, "You know you can get down now sweetie?" I just laughed and shrugged my shoulders. "Nah, I think I'm gonna hitch a ride to lunch." She laughed hysterically and said, "Okay hold on tight." Next thing I know she's running as fast as she can (and that's pretty fast considering she's been on the allstar on our varsity track team for 2 years). Any normal person would be screaming their head off but me? No, I just laughed the whole way screaming "FASTER, FASTER" until we made it to the lunch line. James and Alex were standing by us as I jumped off her back. James smirked saying, "You know, Karma? That can be taken one of two ways." Bruns and I rolled our eyess. Bruns said, "God James. You're so sexual." I almost died, but managed to keep a straight face. Bruns was a huge nerd and used big words all the time and I had to constantly remind myself not to make fun of her for it. James looked at Alex and half smiled, "Well, I did learn from the best," earning a giggle and blush from Alex. Alex said, "Nah that's you sugar puff," while booping his nose, making James scrunch up his face and smile. "Sugar puff?!" I managed to say through laughter. Alex turned to face me. "You just don't understand love," he said jokingly. I scoffed. "I do too," even though I most certainly did not. James threw his head back laughing. I protested, "What's so funny?" James, laughing so hard he had to wheeze to take breaths barely getting out the words, "Karma. When was the last time you had a date?" I rolled my eyes. I stammered, "Pshh, I uh, I go on dates all the time." All of them were laughing now. Bruns said, "That's funny. The only cute guys you can even talk to without stuttering are Michael, Luke, Ash, and Cal." My heart dropped when she said his name, and I suddenly felt guilty for not telling her about the kiss. James fake gasped, snapping me out of my thoughts, and Alex put his hand over his heart. "I am offended," Alex joked. Bruns said, "Gay guys don't count." James mumbled, "Homophobe," making sure it was loud enough to hear it. I laughed hysterically and punched him in the arm. Bruns rolled her eyes. "I mean males she could have intercourse with you doof." Alex giggled. "Intercourse," he said to himself while throwing back his head. Gosh. He's so immature. James positioned his glasses on his face, in an attempt to make himself look smart. "Well," he stated, "technically she could very easily have intercourse with either me or Alex considering we both are of testicular genitals and she of vaginal-" I laughed. "Okay Dr. Phil that's enough." James continued, "Karma, that's Dr. James to you." I just laughed and rolled my eyes. God, I loved James. Bruns jokingly said, "That's Mrs. Hood to you." Wow. That caught me off guard. Mrs. Hood. I couldn't even explain the emotions it made me feel. I didn't know what I felt. It was just like this big whirlwind of everything all at once. One second I was happy. The next I was numb. It was just overwhelming. I could hear the voices in the lunch room talking but I couldn't understand them. I could see the people moving but they were blurred. It's like everything was there but it wasn't, like everything was real but it was fake. Alex's laughter snapped me out of my thinking. He raised an eyebrow. Oh dear god. Did he know? He looked at me and started, "Karma. You didn't say anything sassy or sarcastic. Does this mean," James interrupted screaming, "KARMA'S IN LOVE! KARMA'S IN LOVE!" Please tell me I wasn't blushing. Oh god my cheeks feel warm. Oh great. "Guys, that's crazy. No. I'm not know. That'd know," I tried to say as convincingly as I could. James laughed, flipping his blue streaked black hair in the process. "Yes, Karma we know," he joked, "but you have to find love sometime." I crossed my arms and stomped by foot before retorting with a huff, "No I don't." Bruns burst out laughing. "Oh my god, you sound like your four," she said as she gasped for air through her laughing. Alex grinned and said, "She probably is. She hasn't even had her first kiss." I felt a pang in my chest. Calum. He had been my first kiss. But I maintained my composure and rolled my eyes. "Like you have you dweeb," I said sarcastically. Alex smiled. "Actually I have. But if you don't believe me, if it's okay with James, maybe I could show you right now." Before I could say anything, James seductively smiled at Alex and said, "I thought you'd never ask." James slowly moved his face closer to Alex and their lips were barely centimeters apart and he gently placed his lips on Alex's mouth. Alex put his arms around James' neck to try to pull him closer and played with his strands that were streaked. James heated the kiss, putting in more and more passion, until he violently crashed his tongue into Alex's mouth, causing Bruns to scream, "Gosh! Guys you know there is a janitors closet right across the hall." I shook my head and smiled. Bruns was so straight forward about things, it was scary. And it was so scary, that it actually made it funny. Alex smiled widely. "That sounds great to me," he gulped, "Um, James would you like to-" James laughed and interrupted, "Come on baby you know you don't have to tell me twice." I smiled. "What about the food?" I asked. James smirked. "Oh I'd much rather swallow Alex than food." Bruns and I immediately started laughing. It felt like it had been 5 minutes later, and I still couldn't contain myself. If I could have brought myself to roll on the floor, I would. James must have taken Alex up on his offer because they were long gone. Bruns looked up and said, "Well. Wasn't that interesting?" And it was.

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