Chapter 6

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*Luke's POV*
While the boys and I waited for Mikey to get back with Macca's, I decided to talk to Cal about everything going on. I knew it was tough for him. He really liked Karma. Actually he loved her. I mean, they had been friends since what, kindergarten? Cal knows the band just started taking off, but to be honest he'd risk anything for Karma, anything, even his passion, even his dream. Because truth is Karma was his passion. Heck, she's always been. I remember in 3rd grade in Mrs. Monroe's class, he'd go on and on about how much he wanted to be the one to tag her at recess. And in 6th grade he did everything imaginable to try to impress her. In 8th grade when she had that bad case of strep throat he went to her house and made soup. Freshman year he'd drag her to all his soccer games and now here we are sophomores and all he can talk about is how beautiful she is, and how much he wanted her to see it. That's part of the reason why I spent so much time making Bruns take her here tonight, plus it gave me a chance to talk to her. Her personality is amazing. She always looks so perfect. I'm just so shy around her. I don't know, maybe I can win her heart by writing her a song someday. I walked into the kitchen to try to find Calum. "Cal," I called out. "Cal?" I screamed over and over again until I saw him laying down on the couch. "Cal , didn't you hear me? I said your name like 8 times?" I heard Ashton giggle, "You sound like a jealous girlfriend going through menopause." Great. Someone's awake. I gave him a cheeky grin, and turned back to Cal. I glared at him until he took his earbuds out. "Sorry, I was listening to the song I wrote to sing to her tonight." I smiled. "oh my gosh that song is so good! What are we calling it?" He smiled and shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know, I kinda like Unpredictable. I mean, it does say it like 50 times." I laughed and nodded. Cal was such a dork sometimes. Make that all the time. I stated, "We'll practice it when Michael gets back." Ash and Cal nodded, and I left the room, making Ash go back to sleep.

*Michael's POV*
It was so hard to focus on the driving with Kate beside me. All I wanted to do was stare at her all day. She was so beautiful. How could someone like her ever be out there, on the streets, surrounding by drugs and gangs? I practically forced myself to keep my eyes on the road. The whole trip had been completely silent so far because I knew if I spoke my voice would tell too much. "Mike?" I heard a small voice ask. I gulped. "Yes, Kate?" I turned my head towards her. She was twiddling her thumbs and looking down at her feet. She was at a loss for words, but regaining her confidence she slowly stuttered,"Why did you, why did, why did you do that today?" Even though she was facing the window I could tell that her eyes were pools of confusion. I turned the volume down on the radio, barely hearing Teenage Dirtbag through the waves. "Do what?" I asked even though I knew exactly what she was talking about. She took a deep breath and for the first time turned towards me. "You saved me today," she gulped, "you knew what I was, and you saved me." I frowned slightly. It hurt me that she thought that defined her. Nothing could define her. She was too different to be defined. I buried my head into my chest softly mumbled to myself, "Because you're beautiful Kate." Hopefully she didn't hear that, but knowing she needed an answer, I turned towards her and sighed, "I always help a person in need." She frowned as the word "Oh" slowly tumbled out of her throat, and she turned away. She turned the radio back up. I mentally hit myself. Why did I say that? Why did I have hurt her feelings? She felt special, and I had to ruin it. I made her feel like that person who needed to be helped, but I could tell by the look in her eyes when I met her earlier today she didn't want to be saved...she wanted to be held. So I pulled the car over to the side of the road and whispered her name. She turned back to me. I was overwhelmed by her beauty. Hopefully I could say what I had to say. I kept opening my mouth, but the words didn't come out. She laughed and started singing along to the radio, "Cause I'm just a teenage dirtbag baby. Yeah I'm just a teenage dirtbag baby." I smiled and added, "Come listen to Iron Maiden, maybe, with me." She grabbed my pinky and wrapped hers around mine and busted out singing, "Oh, oh, oh, oh!" I laughed, holding her pinky tighter as I sang,"Oh yeah dirtbag, no, she doesn't know what she's missing, missing" She smiled widely and sang along, "Man I feel like mold, it's prom night and I am lonely." I sang, "Lo and behold she's walking over to me." She smiled brightly swinging our pinkies back and forth, singing," This must be fake. My lip starts to shake. How does she know who I am?" I leaned in closely, "And why does she give a damn about me?" She blushed and continued to sing, " I've got two tickets to Iron Maiden, baby. Come with me Friday. Don't say maybe." I let go of her pinky and grasped her whole hand as I looked into her eyes and sang, "I'm just a teenage dirtbag baby like you. Oh,oh,oh,oh." A tear began to rush down her face. I wiped it away. I placed my forehead on top of hers, with our noses centimeters apart. "Kate," I whispered, "you never have to be alone again."

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