Chapter One

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Dekus POV:
Mr. Aizawa told us about a new transfer student that class 1-A was getting today. He said she was from the United States! How cool! I can't wait to meet her, and find out what kind of quirk she has.

"Hey Deku!" Uraraka said to me as she walked into the common room at the dorm. Aizawa told us all to meet here before class to meet the new student. "Did you hear about what happened last night?" She asked me.

"No I didn't."

"Well it seems to be another villian attack. The heros and police couldn't find the person who did it. Who ever it was has some crazy powerful quirk though, the streets were all tore up, and buildings were burned down." She said. A villian attack? It almost sounds like the League but they are plan more better than that. They would have targeted a place instead of destroying what ever was infront of them.

"Yes! This villian must be powerful!" Iida said as he walked in. "I also heard that the bystanders on the street didn't see anything, and they lost an entire half an hour."

"A whole half an hour? How is that possible?" I asked them.

"I heard that the villian possibly has a form of a time quirk, and they were able to stop time!" Tsu said joining the conversation. "It would allow them to cause as much destruction as possible without people calling the heros." I was about to say something when Mr. Aizawa walked in.

"Alright class, before today's lessons let's meet our new student. You can come in." He said to us.

"Ah! Finally! Oh my goodness! Hello! Oh wow! So these are heros in training like me! Dang! This is going to be so much fun! I can't wait to get to know you all! We'll be the best of friends for sure! This is going awesome! Oh shoot! I almost forgot! I'm Lillian! But you can call me Lil or Lilly I don't care!" She talked about a mile a minute. We all just stared at her, none of us understood a word she said. She tilted her head to side and had a puzzled look on her face. Then she realized no one got what she said. "Sorry....I seem to talk fast." She smiled real big and rubbed the back of her neck.

She was cute! Her hair was cut short and black, her button nose scrunched up when she smiled. Her large green eyes caught my attention though. They were a dark forest green color.

"If you didn't catch it, my name is Lillian and I'm really excited to be in class with you all! My quirk is called elements! I can control all four elements. " She said. All four? So she's like Shoto, except all four.

"Let's get everyone-"

"Whoa! Your Shoto Todoroki! You have a half and half quirk! That's so cool!" She ran up to Todoroki, and stood in front of him with her hands behind her back. She got up on her toes to look him in the eyes. "I'll show you my fire if you show me yours!"

"That's not-" she turned and ran to, oh no.

"Oh. My. Gosh! Your Katsuki Bakugo!" She squealed! "Your quirk is so amazing!" He brushed her off, which is better than I thought. "I am surprised by you though! Your always so violent, talking about killing people, singling out have so many villian like tendancies and yet here you are! I thought you'd join the Leauge of Villians for sure when they took you, but dang, you must really want to be a hero!" She said it way to happy and the giggle at the end, left me feeling a little uneasy.

"Get the hell away from me you damn freak!" He yelled at her. She seemed unphased, she just blinked, smiled and moved on.

"And're Izuku Midoriya!" She stood directly in front of me, she stood about an inch shorter than me, she looked me up and down, smiling the entire time. "It's truly a pleasure to meet you!" That was all she said to me before moving on to everyone else. It was like she was a fangirl of class 1-A. She knew all of us, and our quirks. With the giggling and extreme happiness aside, she seems like a nice girl.

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