Chapter Seven

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Dekus POV:

I awoke to a bright light, was this heaven? Did I do it? No...I didnt, the beeping noises told me I didnt. I was in the hospital. Who brought me here? Why didn't they just let me die. I stared at the ceiling for a little bit before looking around. I saw a very deshiveled Todoroki sitting in one of the chairs. He had his hands on his face. How long has he been here? I made a small movement to let him know I was awake.

"Midoriya!" He shot up. "Hang tight I'll go get the doctors!" He said before rushing out. He came back with one of the doctors.

"Hello! Izuku Midoriya right?" He asked me.


"Care to tell me what happened?" He asked. Did I? Do I even know what happened?

"Well, I was laying in my room, when I saw Amajiki, Kirishima, and Elemental. They told me I had killed them with my bare hands, and they would haunt me until it was of them places the razor in my hands........and well......" I said but I couldn't finish.

"It's okay. You don't have to go on. Recovery Girl and Shoto seemed to get you stable before you arrived here. I should tell you, they weren't ghosts. They were actually in your room." What? So.....I didn't kill them. I felt so relieved. "They injected you with some kind of mind manipulation drug. You believed what ever they told you, and you'd do what ever they wanted you to do." He said. I......I was being controlled, so that means they found out I was spying on them.

"Can I ask what happened before I did that?" I asked him. He gave me a somber look.

"Im not sure, but I think your friend can answer that. I'll let everyone know you are awake. They have all been so worried." Everyone? Who? I looked at Todoroki. It seemed like he had been crying.

"T-todoroki? What happened?" I looked at him. He couldn't find the words.

"Well we all thought you had become a villian. You disappeared after Lil-Elemental 'died' and then we saw you again at the most recent attack." He started. I remember that. I hated every second of it, I never wanted to hurt anyone, and if I had to use my power I only used 5% to make sure I didn't hurt anyone. "Then you called Allmight and told us your plan." I remember that too, but things got blurry after that. "Then three days ago they took you to the school, t-they had you drugged. You ran to the roof, everyone tried to stop you." They tears started to well up in his eyes. "Why Midoriya? Why? Something the doctor didn't tell you about that drug is that they couldn't make you do something you didn't already think about doing before! So why!" Todoroki was full on sobbing in front of me.

"Todoroki what......what did I do?" I was afraid of the answer. If I was on the roof then......

"You jumped! Luckily Shinso saved you with the capture tape, but you still jumped. You could have talked to us! But he knocked you out, and you know the rest." I......I jumped. I started to cry.

"You should have let me die!" I said to him.

"What? Midoriya do you hear yourself?"

"You all hate me! I-I did terrible things! I make you all worry and end up hating me!" How cannt he see that.

"Midoriya-" he began to say when the entire, well almost the entire class came into my room.

"Izuku!" They all shouted. What? Were they

"Midoriya! I am glad to see that you are okay!" Iida said.

"Deku! Dont ever do that to us again!" Uraraka said.

"Yeah! You really scared us! We were all so worried!" Mina said. They all seemed to care. The entire time I waited for the voices to come back to tell me I was being foolish for like this. That they were all lying.

"Alright problem child. I'm glad to see you are awake. When you are ready, you're going have tell me what happened." He walked over and patted me on my head. "It's good to see you alive." He smiled at me.

"I-I don't understand...." I said, and they all looked at me. So many of them crying. " don't hate me? But-but i-"

"Listen here Deku! None of us wanted you to die! Not even me! We also knew you werent really a villian, so no we don't hate you!  Now stop crying!" Bakugo said. Even Bakugo didn't want me to die.

"Wait! What happened to the ones in my room?" I asked remembering that someone said that Elemental, Kirishima, and Amajiki were actually in my room.

"We kicked their asses you damn nerd! The pro heros arrested them and they are going after the rest of the League later." Bakugo said.

"They got them Midoriya." Todoroki smiled at me. "It's over." It was finally over.

The end

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