Chapter Six

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*Trigger warning! Mentions of Suicide and self harm*

Todorokis POV:
Today's the day the League is suppose to attack another school. We had all been on edge thinking about which school, and who would be hurt. That's when it happened.

"Goooooood Aaaaaaaaaaafternoooooooon UA High School!" It was Elemental, and she was over the speaker in the school. How did they get in? "We've got a special day planned for you all! Seems like the league caught ourselves a little spy, so we decided to have a little fun!" A spy? No Midoriya! They found him out. I looked over at Bakugo, and everyone else in the class. Denki was terrified as was Iida. "So here's the game folks! Your little friend Izuku Midoriya is somewhere in the school from the basement to the roof! Let's see how fast you can find him and snap him out of the effects of the drugs he's on!" She laughed. "This is my favorite part! If you can do it you get Midoriya back if not!" She laughed again. "You'll all get to see the most beautiful swan dive ever!" She was laughing so hard now. A swan dive? I saw the color drain from Bakugos face. "I know one of you would absolutely love to see that!" What? None of us want to see that! Bakugo at this point looked as though he was going to throw up. "with that all said! When time restarts the game will start! How fun! Now stop!"

When time restarted, everyone looked at each other. We were still in shock. They found out Midoriya, now we have to save him.

"We need to find him! We need to go now!" Bakugo said. "If what I heard is right, then where ever he was put he's making his way to the roof!" He said. The roof....a swan dive.....oh my God!

"He's right! We need to go before he gets to the roof!" I said standing up. I dashed out of the room, Bakugo was on my tail. He seemed to know what she was talking about. "What did she mean?" I asked him.

"Something stupid I said to Deku when we were in middle school....." He said....wait....he didn't! I knew he didn't like Midoriya, but I didn't know he would say something like that to him. We made our way to the roof.

Dekus POV:

How did I get to the school? I don't want to be here.....they all hate me. I know they do, I can't face any of them, ever again.

"That's right Midoriya, you're worthless, nothing but a lousy traitor." I heard the voice but I didn't know where it came from.

"We're in your head silly! Always have been." It was another voice. In my head. "Look at you! Nothing but a deku. Guess Kaachan was right uh?" It said. They're right......

"Maybe you should've taken his advice uh? Maybe you'll be more useful in the next life." One of the voices said to me. I took off running, I ran through the halls.

"You know what needs to be done. You have no where to go, no one who will trust you, or love you. So why don't you just do it, deku."

"Midoriya! Stop!" It was Mineta, I can't look at him, not after what I've done. I started running faster.

"Wait no! Deku please stop!" Uraraka yelled to me. I started crying, and I just kept running.

"They don't want to help you, they just want to catch you, lock you away. That way they don't have to deal with you again." It was the voice again. They don't want me, they don't want to deal with me. I passed many of my former classmates. All of them calling out to me. I can't stop, I need to do it.

I made it up to the roof. It looked clear, I started to make my way to the edge. I can see it, the light at the end of this misberable tunnel. I was always in the way, never good enough. I even betrayed my friends.

"That's right deku! You did, and you can't ever take that back."

"They all hate you, just like Kaachan! They'll never trust you again." I was right there! The edge!

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