Chapter Four

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Dekus POV:

It's been 24hrs......and I haven't heard a single plan to get Lilly back from any of the teachers. Are they not taking this seriously? They did with Bakugo, but why not Lilly? She's a strong hero in training, how could they just not do anything? The sun was going down, it was time.....was Allmight going to go? The minutes felt like hours.

I tried my best to study, but I couldn't, all I could think about was Lilly, and the scream I heard on Allmights phone.

"Midoriya it's late. You should be getting to bed." Todoroki said. "You're working too much about this, she'll be fine." He said before he walked off to bed. No she won't, I'd the heros don't do anything she won't be fine. I hate that I can't do anything about it.

"Stop feeling bad about yourself you damn nerd!" Bakugo said. "The only reason you guys were able to aid in my escape last time was because the Pros were there! There's nothing you can do! Besides you're still too weak!" I'm not weak Bakugo. Not even close.

I looked at my phone and saw a breaking news article. No! I clicked on it and began reading.

Another attack from the mysterious Elemental villian has left many injured and one dead. The body of the deceased was found by heros in the rubble, her charred body was beyond recognition.' I started shaking.....they didn't find her.......they didn't do it. 'Dental records that had been sent to the police from the US confirm this is UAs new transfer student....' Oh my God! No! 'Lillian Smith. Sources tell us that Lillian had been kidnapped by the League of Villians late last night. Why didn't the heros at UA do anything to get her back?' I stared at my phone for what seemed like hours. I screamed and began to cry. Everyone from class 1A came running out of their dorms, Bakugo was already there, he had been watching my reactions this entire time.

"Midoriya what's wrong?" I handed Iida my phone and they all looked at it. I heard the gasps of shock from my friends.

"Midoriya-" Todoroki began to say but I wasn't listening. I ran out of the dorms. The heros didn't do anything to save her. Nothing. Now she's gone. I ran past Midnight, she tried to stop me, but I pushed her back. I ran right off the campus. When I got to the outskirts Shigiraki was standing there.

"You!" I yelled. And began to charge at him, but stopped.

"What no fight? Or did you realize it's the heros fault Lilly died. She could've been saved you know." He said to me.

"Yes I know. I know it all! The media hadn't found out about her kidnapping until now, so they didn't do anything!" Fame and glory. That's what Stain was all about. Finding the fake heros among the real. All these heros are fake. I was shaking with rage.

"Wow Izuku! Don't work yourself up too much, you could pop a blood vessel." No way! was her. She jumped down from one of the trees. Her hair had changed, it was a deep blood red, her face was mostly covered by the mask she wore. She had on all black, and a jacket with a hood.

"But I just read....." I couldn't believe it.

"Lillian Smith is dead Izuku, the heros couldn't save her. Let me introduce myself properly. My name is Seraphina Wilkinson, and I am Elemental." She she.......she's been a villian this whole time.

"So it was a ploy?" I was fuming.

"Sure if you want to look at it like that, but it was to show you that unless the media is involved heros don't care. The media had no clue about 'my' disappearance so the heros did nothing to save 'me' you see that right?" She said, and I did. I saw it, I understood it. "Today's heros only care-"

"About fame and money. The glory get from the media, and rewards after. Not the act of saving someone." I could tell she was smiling under the mask as I finished what she was saying.

"So you want help us show the world their precious heros don't give a damn about them?" She held out her hand for me to take. My entire life I wanted to be a hero, to save people, but now I see that the heros arent what the media makes them out to be. So I took her hand and we ran off.

We went back to the hide out, I was greeted by the League, all of them seemed happy that I was there.

"Should we pull the other two from UA?" Dabi asked. The other two? There was more than one?

"Soon....we'll give it a few days. Let it sink in that Midoriya is gone. Let them look for him for a bit." Shigiraki said.

"Oh come on Shiggy they won't look too hard, the media doesn't know." Lil-Seraphina said.

"She's right. They'll assume I'll come back, you might as well grab the other two. I'm interested to see which of my classmates has been working with you guys." I said.

"Elemental text them, let them know to be ready in a few days." He said. She nodded her head and started typing.

"Ugh...Todoroki...could you go shower or idk use body spray or something? The smell of cigarettes and burnt flesh is making me lose my concentration!" Todoroki?

"I told you not to call me that!" Dabi said to her annoyed. She smiled big at him.

"That's who you are though right? Touya Todoroki, Endeavors eldest son?" Holy cow! Shoto never told me he had an older brother, unless......he didn't know.

"We need to get you a new look Izuku!" Toga said to me.

"I'll go! No one knows what I look like, the news couldn't get a picture of Lillian so I should be the one to go." She said as she finished her text. Shigiraki waved his hand.

"Make it fast." He said. And she was off.

Around twenty minutes later she returned with bags full of stuff. She plopped them on the bed they gave me.

"Alright Izuku! Let's get started!" She had me sit in a chair while she cut and dyed my hair. It was shorter, and she dyed a deep black. Then she handed me a black turtleneck sweater and dark gray pants. She stepped outside while I got changed. I looked at myself in the mirror and could barely recognize myself.

A few days went by, I wasn't allowed to leave the hide out, not until tonight. I went with Elemental to meet up with the two UA traitors. She squealed when she saw them.

"Riot!" It was Kirishima! And no way! Amajiki! No way! She ran into Kirishimas arms, and he spun around.

"I'm so glad to see you're okay pebble." He said and gave her kiss on the head. No way!

"I see the plan worked successfully." Amajiki said looking at me. He seemed to be he was acting this entire time. All of them were.

"Heros only care about fame." I said. He nodded his head in approval.

"Did you get the stuff?" Kirishima asked.

"Yep! No more red hair!" She smiled. We all walked back to the hide out, Shigiraki was waiting for us. He told us about our first mission together. It was going to make a statement, and tell the world who were truly were.

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