Chapter Five

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Ketsubutsu Academy 9:30 AM:
Dekus POV:
We arrived at the academy early that morning. I was a little surprised we weren't going after UA but it makes sense. They have the entire place guarded, preparing for an attack, with one student dead, and three missing. There wasn't a chance we would have made it out of there. We were able to sneak right into the the school, we went to the principles office first and took him out. And any of the staff we saw.

"How about a little music?" Elemental looked to the radio. She placed it on the speaker, and started playing the song 'Victorious' by Panic at the Disco. She smiled at all of us and we smiled back. The destruction went quick, even though she didn't use her time. I saw the third years that I faced off against in the provisional exams, and their teacher Ms Joke. Shindo used is shockwaves on the ground but Elemental stopped them.

"Oh cute! A shockwave attack through the floor! Too bad I can control anything that comes from the earth!" She said and laughed. Shindo took a step back, he was shocked, and then looked at the rest of us.

"No way!" He whispered, Ms Joke went to his aid and looked at us, her eyes welled with tears knowing two do Aizawas students stood before her, destorying the school. Another hero teacher came running toward us, but Element stopped him but speeding up time on him. He exploded into just about nothing. The students screamed, and ran. Amajiki used his tentacles to pick up and through many of them across the halls, and Kirishima fought many of the teachers. I used my quirk, at 3% to knock out Joke, and Shindo.

"Seems like work here is done." Amajiki said. "We should go before the Pros arrive." We nodded, Elemental used her fire to burn a message into the walls. 'Heros only care about fame. They couldn't even save this school.' nice touch. She really hates heros.

"Come on, let's go pebble." Kirishima said putting his arm around her.

We left the school and went back to the hide out. On the way back, we saw the police and heros in their way. Too late. I smirked as we walked.

Aizawas POV:
I went to the hospital as soon as I heard what happened. I went to Jokes room first she was still unconscious. Some of my class went with me, they wanted to see if any of them got answers about Midoriya, Kirishima, and Amajiki. We went to Shindos room next. I remember him from the exams, he's one of Jokes students.

He was awake, but in bad shape.

"Shindo can you tell us what happened today?" I asked him. I needed answers myself. With the recent death of a student who we all thought was Elemental, and this couldn't have been her. We were wrong, and we did nothing to help.

"It was horrible.....they came at us full force. We didn't know what was happening when the music started but then things started to shake, and walls were being destroyed........" He said, tears rolling down his face.

"Did you get a good look at any of them?" I asked him.

"The one who was leading it all had blood red hair, her eyes were a deep forest green. She worse all black, most of her face was covered by a mask, and when she put her hood up you couldn't see it at all. Then.......there way. There's no way." He was crying. Who did he see?

"Who was it?" I said calmly.

"It was Suneater..." My eyes widened. Amajiki! But he's one of our best students...... "There were two others, I couldn't get a good look, but I heard them. One of them called the girl pebble...."

"No way!" Bakugo yelled. I turned and faced him.

"What is it Bakugo?"

"I remember once Kirishima had gotten a text from someone. I saw the name on his said pebble." He was angry but tears rolled down his face. "There's no way!"

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