Chapter two

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Dekus POV:
After class we all went back to the dorms. We could hear giggling when we walked in. Lilly and Eri were in the common room, it seemed like they were cashing each other. Lilly ran and touched Eris shoulder.

" Tag! You're it!" She laughed and Eri started laughing and chasing after her. She ran past us. " Hi guys! Wanna play?" She said. Eri ran up to me and tapped my leg.

"Tag! Your it!" She giggled, and started running away. I put my bag down and started chasing after her. She got really excited to see me joining in the game. I circled around the couch and tagged Uraraka. She went to use her quirk when Lilly stopped her.

"This is quirkless game! We are just trying to have a little fun, no quirks involved." She said. Uraraka nodded and started running around with us. Denki and Kirashima joined in, so did Tsu and Mina. Just about everyone except Tokoyami, Bakugo, and Todoroki joined in on the game. We had so much fun. Mr. Aizawa walked in on all of us running around the common room.

"What is going on in here?" He said, using his quirk, except we weren't using ours.

"We're playing tag!" Mina said as Lilly tagged Eri. She came up to her from behind and started tickling her sides as she said tag. The two of them laughed. Mr. Aizawa saw this and a small smile could be seen on his face.

"Well it's getting late and you all have homework to do, and it's time for Eri to go to bed." He said. Eri frowned, and looked at Lilly.

"It's alright cutie! I'll still be here tomorrow and we can play more after I'm done with classes okay!" She said. It seemed like they had spent all day together. Eri seems to really like her.

After Mr. Aizawa put Eri to bed, we all sat in the common room talking and doing home work.

"So Lilly what's your hero name?" Tsu asked her.

"What?" She seemed confused at what Tsu meant. I don't understand why?

"Your hero name! Didn't you pick one out when you did your internships back home?" She asked her.

" We don't know hero internships in high school. So like we have basic hero classes in high school, but we don't learn real hero stuff until we head off to a college. That's where you pick your names, do internships, and work studies." She said. Wow, I didn't realize how different the US schools were from ours. They don't get to do any hero work until they are actually adults.

"Well.....let's help pick one out for you!" Mina said, and we all agreed. Lilly smiled so big.

"Oh! What about Elemental! Cause you can use all the elements!" Uraraka said. Lilly's eyes widened in terror, and she turned her head so we couldn't look at her face. Something about that upset her.

"No.............not that." She said. We looked at her puzzled, she wiped a tear from her eye and looked at us. "There's a villian from the US whose name is Elemental.................I lost someone very dear to me in an attack from this villian. It was so strange, I remember us walking down town, then.........the next thing I can remember was that my friend was crushed under some rubble and I had been badly wounded. The heros said this villian has some kind of time quirk. I joined the hero course at school the next day. I grew close with one of my teachers, he was the one who sent me here actually." She said. A time quirk villian. That attack. It sounded like the same attack that happened last night! "I heard about last night's attack, and it only confirmed what the two of us thought. This villian is here, most likely trying to get in contact with the League." She said. The League, if they had someone like that in their side..........then..........they would be able to so much more. This can't be good.

"Do you know what the villian looks like?" Mr. Aizawa said from the door way. She shook her head no. "I was wondering how long you were going to keep that information to your self. You can't apprehend this villian on your own, you know that." She nodded her head. So she came here to search for the person who killed her friend. "I'll pass on the information you just gave to the rest of teachers and pros. Knowing the name is better than knowing nothing." He said before walking off. We sat in silence for a while, people started going off to bed, all except for Lilly.

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