Chapter Three

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Dekus POV:
The entire dorm was buzzing this morning. A report of another villian attack from last night hit the news this morning. From reading it, it seems like Elemental struck again, this time the attack was closer to the school. I saw Lillian walk into the common room, her face was gloomy but determined.

"So do you think it was random again?" Uraraka asked me.

"No. It wasn't random at all. Neither was the first one." Lilly said. "The first attack was to let the League know they were here, this one was planned out between them. They most likely chose that town because it was close to the first attack and close to this school." She continued. She really does know a lot about this villian. She must've studied them intently before she got here. "Honestly I think we are just likely they're only using part of their quirk...........if they wanted to they could speed time up................just on a singluar would explode from the force. I saw the aftermath one too many times before." She said. If this villian used that on a human......then.......they would die instantly. I guess she's right then. We are lucky.

We all walked to class together, once we were there most of us took our seats. Lilly sat in the back, it was the only seat available.

"Alright class, because of the recent attacks, if you want to leave the campus you have to have someone with you, and you have to tell a teacher where you are going." We all replied with a yes sir. Then we were on to training. "Alright Lillian, show us how your quirk works" she smiled real big and stepped in front. We were in the fake city, so we could see how much damage her quirk could do. I wonder why Mr. Aizawa wanted to do this.

She took off her shoes and stood firm. Her quirk was amazing! With one hand she use and manipulate the water in the air, in the ground, all around us, then with her other she could produce fire all while she could break the ground with her feet. She used her breath to pick up and broken pieces and creat a tornado almost. She sent it hurdling down the street, the distraction was unspeakable.

"Whoa! Seems I went a bit overboard sorry guys!" She rubbed the back of her head and smiled. Building were down.....or on fire. The others flooded, the wasn't even there anymore.

"Holy cow! You've really got a distructive quirk!" Kirishima said, he looked at her with so much admiration.

"Yeah. Well let's she how she fairs in a fight!" Bakugo looked like he was ready to take her on, he sees her as a challenge.

"Oh! A fight how fun!" She said. "Bring it on boom boy!" Mr. Aizawa used his quirk to stop anything from happening.

"That's enough. All you'll do is injure yourselves. There's no need. Class dismissed." Dismissed? Already?

"You were really something out there Lil! It was insane!" Kirishima said walking next to her. She giggled hiding some of her face. She was blushing! Awe it's kinda cute honestly. We all got changed, I saw Kirishima waiting outside the locker room for Lilly. It seemed like they were walking to class together.

I walked into the building, and felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Hey Izuku!" Lilly grinned. Kirishima must have gone off to class or something because he wasnt with her. "I was wondering...would you come with me to the mall later? I need to get somethings and with the new rule I can't go alone." What? She wants me to go with her?

"Uh...sure! I'll go with you!" She beamed with excitement.

"Awesome! I'll go ask Allmight now!" She ran off to find Allmight, and ask if it was okay. She really is just a happy person.

Later after class I waited for her in the common area, she told me we got the go ahead from Allmight during lunch. Eri was hanging on to her side when she showed up.

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